Platform 9 and3/4's

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Percy's pov

Ok, before you start asking questions like," but you haven't even gone back in time yet!" well we are about to, as soon as we find platform 9 and 3/4 we will be transported back in time. As we were looking around i noticed something, on each platform there are 4 posts. i sprinted off to platform 9 just in time to see someone run through the wall. Thalia and Nico sprinted after me and seemed to come to the same conclusion that i came to. We were almost immediately surrounded by bright light, next, when the light had dimmed, we were in the same place but the people looked a lot more old fashioned. They had gone back in time. They just took a wild guess and ran through the barrier.

When they reached the other side there were people running all over doing many different things, such as saying goodbye to their parents, greeting their friends etc.

We are supposed to meet james potter and befriend him but i have a feeling that that is not going to happen. We board the hogwarts express i think and tried to find an empty carriage. we eventually found one that was empty and sat down. then Nico posed an important question," Where are our clothes and magic supplies stuff that we need for school?" Thalia and i simultaneously looked at each other and shrugged, also seeing the flaw in our plan. we brought out a golden drachma and percy made mist, then we iris messaged the gods, Zeus in particular and asked about our school supplies,"Your clothes and materials are all already at Hogwarts so you just have to worry about getting there, also you guys are exchange wizards and witch from america so that is why you guys aren't wearing uniforms yet" he said in response to our question" you guys also wont need wands because you have always been taught in wandless magic". We all nodded before cutting through the IM. it was just as well because the moment in disappeared four boys walked into the compartment and sat down. one of them was definitely james potter because he matched his description perfectly.

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