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The static noise inside her head was killing her. She touched her head and felt the wetness of the mixture of sweat and blood on her forehead. Her knees were weak, her hands were tied, her ankle was probably broken, as well as some ribs. But she was seeing light for the first time in a long time, a time that could have been days or weeks or months. It couldn't have been years, because she knew she would have been long dead by now.

She laid on the floor and used her elbows to push herself and roll until she fell out and on the ground. Fresh air and some sort of warmth. Her body was so cold and fragile that all that pleasure was hurting her. She whimpered like a bantered animal and tried to gather all her energy to move. She opened her eyes to find a dark sky full of stars and a full moon. It was all so... beautiful. So beautiful that it kept her from listening to her instincts and held her on spot for too long. The beautiful sky was soon replaced by the shadowy figure of a massive man. She yelled as he grabbed her by her hair and threw her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She tried to fight him and at some point, she felt her knee hit something hard and heard the sound of something cracking. One moment of silence and then she was grabbed by the neck and smashed into the side of the truck she had escaped. Her vision turned blurry as the pain was growing stronger. The man repeatedly smashed her frail body into the truck until she could no longer see. He dropped her on the ground, probably leaving her to die, but she was still conscious despite all the alarm signs her body was sending. Maybe her mind was fuzzy and maybe it had been like that for that long time she could no longer estimate, but it was still working properly enough to tell her that she was alive and to allow the static noise grow louder until it finally happened.

Something inside her snapped. She was being lifted once again, but no actual hands were touching her, so she gathered all the courage left in her tiny body and opened her eyes. It was not the man as he was a few meters away from her, getting inside the truck. He had noticed the movement, as he stopped and hurried back to her. She was ready to feel once again the excruciating pain as he lifted his fist in the air to punch her with all of his manly strength. Yet the fist froze in midair and the man's face gradually changed from expressing sadism to anger to confusion to fear. His arm was suddenly twisted and it broke in such a brutal manner that the bone tore through his flesh and skin. He screamed like a slaughtered animal as his entire body was being torn apart, his screams only stopping once the same invisible force started strangling him. All he could see was the face of his victim and her empty eyes. Until he stopped breathing at all and the body was thrown in the woods like the peel of a banana in the trash can.

Relaxing entirely for the first time, her feet touched the ground once more, feeling the grass and tree bark crush tickling her soles. However, her legs were still too weak to allow her to stand properly and that made the anger inside her ignite once again and spread through her entire body like a virus.

She hobbled behind the truck and looked inside. It was too dark to see anything, but the same entity that killed the man dragged out a girl, who was in a better state than her. She looked at her and tilted her head with a small crack coming from her neck. She was supposed to hug her and feel joy, but she was empty like the carcass of an animal. She exhaled and felt once more the entity enveloping her.

The other girl blinked trying to understand what was happening but was soon pushed to the front of the truck. She climbed in the driver's seat cautiously and trembling, waiting for the entity to join her in the passenger's seat. She was not sure whom was she supposed to fear more: her situation or whatever that thing was.

She peaked in the mirror, seeing it secure the back of the truck and then stopping to read the writing on the side. With a vicious growl, the entity jumped by her side and ordered the departure with a huff. As she was starting the car, she began wondering if things were indeed about to finally get better, after months since she had lost her last hope of ever seeing the sky, let alone be free. On the other hand, things might have been on the verge of becoming worse, because she had no idea what had happened to her old cellmate in that forest.

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