I could never hate you

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It was going to be a normal day, everything will be great and nothing will happen. God how wrong was he.
Peter fiddled with the hem of his sweat shirt as he sat in his chemistry lesson. He tried to ignore the worried glances he was getting from Ned. It had been a couple of months since the incident with the vulture and him and Tony had gotten closer since that.
"Hey...dude... are you sure your ok..." Ned leaned over and whispered to Peter, worried from the way he was shaking.
"I..." Peter started but Flash just threw a piece of paper at his and Ned's head.
"Oi Penis! How's that internship going with Mr Stark? Oh wait, that's right, you don't have one because your just his pity project!" Flash laughed as did most of the class other than Mj and Ned of course. Peters hands shook slightly as he bit down on his lip, ignoring the blood that was clearly falling from the amount of strength he was putting into it. He ignored the worried glances he got from his friends and teacher as he grabbed his stuff and quickly ran to the toilets. Once there Peter slammed the door shut and leant against the wall, slumping against the ground. He buried his face into his knees and started sobbing. Who knows how long he was there but he soon felt a hand on his shoulder and flinched, his breathing becoming quicker and a lot shorter. Who was here? Was it the Vulture coming after him again? Peter kept questioning himself as he stared at the blurry figure in front of him. It wasn't long before his vision cleared and he calmed down enough to see Happy there in-front of him with worry clearly evident in his eyes.
"H-happy..." Peter croaked as tears poured down his now red cheeks.
"Oh jeez kid... your friend wasn't kidding when he said how bad you were..." Happy silently cursed and awkwardly patted Peters shoulder, he may not admit it but he cared for the boy deep down. Peter gulped and looked down, his small form shaking slightly making him look more like a 5 year old rather than a 15 year old.
"Come on kid.. I'm going to take you to Tony... he'll be able to help you..." Happy said and frowned slightly when Peter shook his head.
"N-no...no..." Peter whimpered and backed up.
"H-he'll hate me! The v-vulture... e-everything.... I'm only his, pity project..." he sobbed and Happy frowned, gently pulling Peter up, keeping a strong yet gently grip on his arm as he guided him back to the car outside the school.
"Peter... kid..." Happy sighed as he started driving the car once he was sure Peter was safe in the back.
"I don't know who told you that Mr Stark kept you as a pity project because that's stupid.. he may have been mad but he adores you... heck he even thinks of you as a son he just doesn't want to admit it in front of you.." the man said and Peter sniffled, hugging himself clearly trying to provide himself the comfort he desperately needed at this moment.
"B-but...Flash said..." Peter started but stopped when Happy let out a huff of annoyance, glancing at the kid through the mirror.
"Kid Flash is the idiot... he clearly doesn't believe what Mr Stark sees in you.. either that or it's probably just jealously that Tony thinks of you as a son more than him.." Happy said and pulled the car over outside the tower. He parked it securely and made sure he saw Peter walk in to the elevator, calling Tony to alert him.

Peter harshly rubbed away the tears on his cheeks. Tony surely can't think of him as a son... could he? I mean he's a billionaire, why would he want someone like Peter Parker in his life?
Once he got to the top of the tower, his breathing quickened again when he started to feel claustrophobic in the elevator. Peter fell out and flinched in surprise when he felt arms quickly wrap around him, catching him before he fell.
"Hey hey kid... guess who..." a voice said and Peter recognised it as Mr Stark's...he had just fell into his arms just from panicking in the elevator. Just as Peter was about to run away, Tony tightened his grip around the boy, rubbing his back gently which Peter found rather comforting.
"Pete... kid Happy told me what happened... god do you really believe that your some pity project to me? Heck kid I love you.. never thought I'd say it out loud but I do.. you have changed me and proven you deserve a place in my non existent heart..." Tony said and Peter sniffled slightly, hesitantly burrowing himself deeper into the man's embrace.
"B-bud I'm a nobody! I risked people on that boat and the vulture...he...he..." Peter started sobbing as his breathing quickened again, becoming shorter making it hard for him to breathe. Tony pulled Peter back a little, putting the boys hand over his reactor.
"Pete...deep breaths ok? Listen to my arc reactor and follow my breathing... one in.... and one out..." Tony said in a soft voice Peter had never heard before. The boy didn't know how long they were doing this but somehow they ended up in the couch, Peter sat next to Tony holding a mug of hot chocolate as the tv was quietly playing in the background.
"So... would you like to tell me what that was about Pete? The reason you were extra panicky today..." Tony said as he took a sip from his mug.
"Well... I just woke up feeling really bad this morning... like my senses were all over and I had a nightmare about being trapped under the building by the vulture... and no.. before you say it this was not your fault..." Peter quickly said before Tony could feel guilt about it, knowing by the man's face he was going to take the blame.
"Anyway... I went into school and Mj and Ned were happy so I was ok at first.. then we went into science and did experiments... they were loud... like really really loud..." he gulped and out his mug down along with Tony's.
"I started panicking... Ned was worried but Flash was taunting me... saying I...that I was a pity project..." Peter started sobbing softly and curling into himself ever so slightly.
Tony's heart broke for the kid, god he was getting really soft but who couldn't I mean, who does not love Peter Parker? The Billionaire reached out and pulled the boy into his lap, holding him close. Peter sobbed into the man's chest and fisted his top in his hands.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry" he sobbed and Tony just kept rubbing his back.
"Kid kid it's ok... it's ok..." Tony soothed and peter managed to calm down after a bit, only letting out the occasional sniffle as he snuggled closer to Tony.
"I-I've not... annoyed you.. have I?" Peter mumbled quickly and hid his face in Tony's neck. Tony smiled softly and ran his fingers through Peters hair softly.
"Hey... never gonna be mad at you kiddo.. besides how can I ever be mad at my son?" The man said and peters grip tightened ever so slightly, the boy looking up at Tony with big brown eyes.
"P-promise?" Peter said quietly, sounding much younger than he actually was. Tony kissed his forehead softly, not stopping rubbing Peters hair softly.
"Never Pete.. just remember that I'm always here for you..." Tony said softly and Peter smiled slightly, curling up closer to Tony as he did.
"Thank you...dad..." Peter whispered as he slowly fell asleep in Tony's embrace, snuggling closer.
Tony wouldn't be lying when he said his heart nearly shattered at that. Starks were never good fathers, his own dad proving that himself. But Tony couldn't help but feel a serve of feeling to protect this boy, as if he held him and he would become invisible against all the bad things our universe had to offer.
"Your welcome....son..." Tony murmured into Peters hair as he softly kissed the boys head, holding him closer. Yep, he definitely had to tell Pepper about this.

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