No need to be afraid

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Peter sniffled and curled up against the wall in the nurses room. He flinched every time he heard Flash's taunts in his head. The constant 'freak' 'idiot' 'wimp' 'don't belong' words and phrases wouldn't leave, no matter how hard he had tried to forget.
"Peter... is there anyone you would like me to call...?" The nurse kindly asked as she started to dab peters wounds gently with antiseptic. Peter tried not to wince slightly as he thought about who she could call.
"U-Uhh.... Yeah... here..." the boy mumbled and passed the nurse his phone, a number already set up. The nurse called that person and was shocked when she heard the voice who answered.
"Hello...Mr Stark? Yes Peter is here I have him right now... I was just wondering if you could come get him, well I mean that is if you are not busy... you will? Thank you so much" the nurse said through the chat and then passed the phone back to Peter.
"Hello...?" Peter sniffled and out the phone up to his ear, listening to the silent chat of Pepper and Happy in the car.
"Pete? You ok buddy? Why is the nurse asking for me to come and collect you?" Tony said in a gentle voice which made peter tear up slightly.
"S-something happened... can...can you please be quick? I'm scared Mr Stark..." Peter whimpered, god he sounded so weak he hated it. He heard Pepper talking to Tony in a low voice, but still loud enough for Peter to hear the worry in her tone.
"It's ok bud... I'm nearly there ok? I'm going to end the call now so stay strong for me...." Tony said and ended the call, causing Peter to feel quite lonely as he put his phone in his bag. The nurse offered him a weak smile before walking out. Peter didn't know how long he was sat curled up against the wall but soon enough he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up to see Tony there with a worried expression when he saw the boys condition.
"Oh Pete.. come on.. your coming home..." Tony said and signed Peter out, taking him in the car to sit with him at the back. Pepper gasped when she saw the boys condition and put a hand on his cheek.
"Who did this? More importantly why" she sounded so angry Peter started to sob again, curling closer to himself. Tony, Pepper and Happy all shared a worried glance as they were on their way back to the tower.

//time skip//

Peter sniffled and wrapped the blanket tighter around his shoulders, looking down to both of the adults knelt in front of the couch, facing him.
"So bud... care to tell us what happened...." Tony asked and Peter took a deep breath, holding the blanket tightly.
"We....we were talking about identity and who we feel we should be... I-I thought it would be ok to tell them I'm bi..? Because May said that being honest about yourself is always the best... T-that's when Flash started taunting me with most of the class.. the only ones who understood were MJ and Ned.." Peter sniffled, gaining worried glances from the two adults before continuing.
"The teacher had a go at them but as soon as we left... Flash and his friends cornered me and...and... they started to b-beat me up... am I bad? Did I deserve it Mr Stark and Miss Potts?" Peter asked through teary eyes and Pepper quickly shook her head, holding Peters hand gently.
"You are who you are Peter... it doesn't matter if you are Bi because that's who you really are.. those kids just don't understand you like others do. And don't worry, we will make sure they are dealt with..." Pepper said softly but sternly at the same time, making Peter slouch under the blanket with a small nod. With that Pepper walked off to make a call to the school. Tony sat down next to Peter and flinched slightly when the young boy curled up against his side.
"Kid... just because I said we were there does not mean you get daily cuddles..." Tony tried to be stern but couldn't help but smile when Peter stared up at him with big brown eyes.
"Please Mr Stark?" Peter asked with a small smile and childish voice. Tony just rolled his eyes and pulled the boy into his lap, holding him close as he rocked back and forth a little. Peter calmed down and nuzzled his face into the man's shoulder, breathing softly.
"Thanks for coming today Mr Stark...." Peter said quietly and sighed when he felt the older man's fingers run through his hair.
"Anything for you Pete... and Bi huh? Any reason you never told me about this?" Tony asked gently and Peter shrunk slightly, curling up closer to the Man.
"I didn't know how you would react... I thought you would reject me and kick me out.." Peter sniffled and Tony's heard broke when he heard how sad the boy sounded.
"Peter... I would NEVER kick you out just because you like boys as well as girls... who am I to control who you are hmm?" Tony said and Peter chuckled silently, nuzzling his teary face into the man's neck.
"I should've just been honest with you.." the boy giggled when the older man ran his hand over the boys side.
"Listen here my ticklish spider kid.. I love you no matter who you are... if your Bi, straight, or even trans... your my kid by heart and nothing will ever change that.. ok?" Tony said and Peter stared at the man in shock but nodded ever so slightly.
"Your....kid...?" Peter asked with a small smirk on his face when he saw the older man frown at him.
"Yeah yeah I get it I'm being sappy.." Tony said as he lightly pushed Peter to the side. Peter giggled and looked up at the man happily, his bad day forgotten.
"Hey Mr Stark?" Peter started but stopped when the man shook his head.
"Tony kid.." Tony said and Peter smiled a little.
"Can we watch a movie? Please Tonyyyyy" Peter looked up at Tony with big eyes causing the older man to roll his eyes with a defeated huff.
"How did May put up with them eyes..." Tony said and Peter just smiled, snuggling up close to Tony's side.
"Maybe because I'm adorable and incredibly sweet.." Peter said and Tony just laughed and played Peter's favourite movie.
"In your dreams kid... in your dreams..." Tony said and watched the movie with Peter. When Pepper entered the room she couldn't help but smile and take a picture at the scene in front of her. She asked Friday to take a picture, she surly wasn't going to let Tony forget this moment, she also won't let anyone her that little boy again.

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