Your safe

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Contains slight FFH spoilers


Peter sat down in the living of his and May's apartment, trying to focus on the positive sides but couldn't. What will happen to my life now? Will I even be allowed to go anywhere without being judged. He sat there and let a bunch of questions wonder his mind, oh how he wished Tony was here now, he'd know what to do.

Happy sighed and looked at May once he got of the phone with Pepper.
"Pepper said it might be safe if we take him to the lake house.. she said it wouldn't be a bother... you know how much she loves having him over, and Morgan loves seeing him as well" Happy said and May took a deep breath as she looked over towards Peter, seeing how much he was trembling and not taking notice of his surroundings.

"Do it... but I still want to be able to contact him Happy... he's... Peters all I have left..." May whispered and Happy nodded, watching as she walked over and knelt in front of Peter.

"Peter listen to me kid... I'm going to take you to the lake house with Pepper.. she suggested that it will be safe for you but don't worry, you'll still be able to contact and see May..." Happy said in a soft voice Peter only ever heard from him when he was talking to morgan. The teenager frowned slightly before letting out a small nod as he slowly got up, not chancing looking at May as Happy led him into the car when he saw no one around before slowly starting to drive the boy to the lake house where he hoped he'd be ready to get a big surprise once he arrived.

"Peter.. kid we're here.. I think someone would like to say hello to you.. someone you have missed a lot.." At those words Peter looked up and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw the man he started to see as a father stood at the front door with a worried expression, bruised and hurt badly but alive, and him being alive was enough for Peter as he quickly ran out and threw himself into the man's arms, the said billionaire wrapping his robotic and normal arms around the boy to hold him close as if he could protect him from the whole entire world.

"I know things seem bleak at the moment buddy but trust me.. Pepper isn't having this.. she's onto every paper and reporter in nearly the whole world so that your name will be cleared" Tony said in a hushed voice as the teenager clung onto him as if he would disappear if he let go, even as Stark brought him into the house to sit down on the sofa with a armful of spiderman. At the noise of the door locking little footsteps could be heard as Morgan smiled happily before throwing herself in Peters arms.

"Peter Peter! Daddy my brother came back! Don't listen to them meanies your a great superhero! Your better than my daddy! But don't tell him that!" The Young Stark chirped happily as if her father wasn't stood right there listening, giggling along with Peter when a pout cake from the retired hero before he ascended in the kitchen where Pepper was yelling furiously at the people down the phone, clearly not happy with the stuff that was going on in the other end.

"No! I do no care if the 'greatest hero of all time' said it no one ever knows the truth about someone unless you really really know them! And don't you DARE say anything more about that boy he is a TEENAGER and gives more effort to helping people than all you do in your whole entire lives! You only care about your money so expect all that to be gone when I get through with you" the women sneered before slamming the phone down, glaring a Tony when the man chuckled into his hand before pulling her into a side hug.

"Hmm what did I ever do to you to make you like this huh? The kid will be fine here Pepper don't worry.. no one knows where we are so they won't be able to find him.. it might take a while to clear his name but we will do it.. people will soon find out that spider man isn't who that man said he was.. and that Peter totallyyyy deserves something for kicking his sorry ass.. I can track down the guy who made that illusion and force him to admit it.. I'll get the hulk onto him that'll sure scare him.. or get cap to do it.. he may be old but god is he still scary.." the man said as he pulled his nose up causing Pepper to let out a small chuckle through her breathe before looking towards the kitchen to see peter attacking Morgan with tickles, the said girl giggling happily as if nothing was wrong.

"That kid has been through enough Tony.. and he's only 16! 17 soon.. he hasn't even properly started his life yet and so much is happening to him.. honestly if that Beck was still around I'd be the one on the news cause trust me he wouldn't be alive to admit anything if I had saw him.." Pepper sneered before sighing, pinching the bridge of her nose when Tony give her cheek a small peck to calm her down.

"We are going to have to do something Tony.. the police are looking for him and everything... there is only so long we can hold him before someone finds out that he is here and that you are still alive.. it took a big risk to get him here even though Nick said he didn't want anyone knowing.. which reminds me we need to get Peter to promise he won't say anything.. even to his best friend.. but something needs to be done Tony he cannot go through this at his age.. he deserves to go college and uni to get a degree.. and now he's forced into hiding all because some man you fired got jealous of your fake and took it out on a small boy like him.." she sighed and shook her head, smiling gently when she saw both peter and Morgan cuddling up on the couch watching some of the movies he had missed after thanos had done the snap.

"I know Pep.. but so long as the kid is here he will be safe... he has to be.. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't safe.. it'd be on me if he died.. so with all the power I have left I will protect him like I do you and Morgan.. god help anyone who tries anything" the man said and watched Morgan and peter fondly as the two argued playfully about the best character in the movie, putting his hand over his chest as he made a promise to himself to always keep peter safe no matter what.

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