I need to explain

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Hi people. I just wanted to say that there's no chapter or special today so I'm very sorry for that. It's even a more stupid since I just got on summer break not to long ago. But it's a reason that I need to explain so you know what's going to happen for probably 2 uploads (4ish weeks). I need time to think and recollect myself for ideas
(Can leave them in the comments) for This story. And also I need to think for a other that I posted during the week. I also need to collect myself again since I am having a lot of problems with my parents. Specifically my mother.

Let's just say she isn't happy on how I try to act like I'm a normal kid. And is starting to catch on that I'm having my personal problems such as (some what) depression, and bad habits. So there's that.

But I promise I'll try recollecting myself ASAP and try having a upload. Until then I'll talk to you people later. Like I said I'll try keeping this to myself since it won't concern you people and you probably don't care so I'm sorry to those who are just here for the story but I promise I'll come back after a 2upload time if not a bit sooner.

That being said I hope u enjoyed the other book but I will update slower than this one soooo yeah. Anyways hope to see u sooner than planned!


From Author,
Sara Sands

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