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                                                                                   [Fitz' P.O.V]

I was home alone with Mason, lying on the couch cuddling and watching TV. Mostly everyone was shopping for either edibles, food, or dumb stuff. Eric was in bed asleep and sick, so it was really just me and Mason. Mason yawned and nuzzled up on me a bit more than he was before. I felt his body warmth and nuzzled up against him as well. He was coming off of a high, so he was really clingy, but I didn't mind that.

"Caaammm, I loveee youuu~" He said with a slight slur, he was both tired and high, so I understood why his words were slurred. "I love you too Macy, so very much." I responded to him. We both knew what I said was true, in fact I loved him much more than those words could explain. We sat in a comfortable silence for a while.

"I'mmm tireddd, it's timeee for sleeepytimee!" I stifled a laugh as Mason said sleepytime. "You want to go have sleepytime?" I asked while giggling, he was so adorable, and how he said sleepytime was so cute I couldn't hold back my giggle. "Yesss, sleeeepytimeee! For youuu tooo!" He said with me giggling. "Okay, I'll join you with sleepytime." I picked him up and carried him upstairs into his room so we could have our "sleepytime."

Me and Mason were close to falling asleep, he was closer to it to me though. I kissed his forehead and he tried to shut my eyelids with force because it was sleepytime. I didn't mind sleepytime at all, as long as I got to spend it with Mason. I snuggled him so he could stay warm as he fell into his sleep. He meant a lot to me, he was adorable, he was humorous, and he loved me as much as I loved him, there wa soothing more I could ask for, and I couldn't have been luckier to have him all to myself. He was the best thing that ever happened to me.

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