Never Too Late (Also A 9/11 Memorial)

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(Aight, so recently I've looked back at the stories and realized how horrible they were, so I'm trying to improve on writing, so here we go. This is also based on Three Days Grace - Never Too Late)

Tw: Angst, Suicide, Bullying, 9/11, Gay, Depression (Gay isn't a trigger warning I just wanna prevent homophobes)

This world will never be, what I expected

Cameron sat in his office chair, reflecting upon his past. Upon his childhood, and realization of unhappiness in the world. 

He was only 4 when he realized, yet he was so naive upon how deep it went. It was just his normal day at school, and when the teacher accidentally turned on the TV, everyone's eyes were glued to it, they couldn't stop looking, as it was showing, a plane, crashing into the place in America, known as the Twin Towers. He felt upset, which was unusual as he didn't even live in America. He just stared, and his eyes welled up with tears. Everyone was crying for the dead, injured, victims, and America. Cameron then knew right there, there was bad things in this world. He had just watched a plane, fly into one of the world trade centers' towers, leaving an explosion of dust behind it.

And if I don't belong, who would've guessed it?

Cameron went out to recess, shooken up unlike his classmates, who didn't quite understand, as they thought it was just a horror movie. He understood, and didn't think this was a very good day. As soon as he went out, he was pushed face first onto the concrete, and a older kid chuckled and ran.

I will not leave alone, everything that I own.

Fast forward ten years, we have a 14 year old Cameron with a shaky gun to his head, as his hands were shaking. He sobbed, wondering if he would actually do this, and if he actually wanted to, he dropped the gun, he couldn't, he didn't quite know it yet, but this was a sign for the legacy ahead of him.

To make you feel, it's not too late, it's never too late.

Cameron cried over the thoughts he was lost in. He didn't even notice Mason come in the room. "Hey, what's uh- what's wrong?" Mason asked concerned as he look over the taller male. "I'm just thinking.." Cameron replied wiping his tears. Mason kissed the taller male's cheek and cuddled with him.

Even if I say
It'll be alright
Still I hear you say
You want to end your life
Now and again we try
To just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it all around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late

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