Chapter One

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I stumble around in the dark, looking for any light, but I felt lost and confused, I close my eyes and try to breath slowly then all of the sudden I see colors everywhere. I open them and there's darkness again, Where am I, why am I here? I close my eyes out of fear of the unknown.

"Hello Rose" A beautiful voice rang out.

I open my eyes and I see darkness still, nobody is there, I close my eyes fast. The light appears again, and information about where I was flowed through my head.

God of Heaven: Jin, in charge of the souls who are worthy of the Eternal Blessings.
Contact info:

God of Hell: Min Yoongi, in charge of the souls who weren't able to make it to Heaven.
Contact info:

Head Angel: Namjoon (RM), in charge of getting all of the souls to the right place, the judge. (Can be quite clumsy)

Head Demon: Tae (V), in charge of making sure the souls get sorted into the right places in the underworld (its harder then it looks)

Pictures flow through my mind of what everything looked like. Heaven, Hell, everything.

"Now that you know everything, go ahead and open your eyes." The voice said.

I slowly open my eyes, I gasp I am in front of a beautiful building.

"Here is the Waiting Loft, beautiful isn't it, I built it myself." The voice said from behind me.

I turn around to see a handsome man, I frown.

"You. You are," I say slowly, as I close my eyes as I try to remember the information, "Jimin!" I finish, opening my eyes, certain that I got the right name.

He smiles and nods and laughs a little, his eyes squint, almost closing, while smiling. I couldn't help to smile back. I feel more comfortable with him around, I hope that he doesn't leave me here alone.

"Don't worry Rose, I'll be with you through your sorting." He says, winking at me.

I stare at him, and blush out of embarrassment.

"You can read minds?" I say still blushing.

"Yes, both a blessing and a curse of being an angel" He says to me. As he starts walking away from me I start following him, a bit a hesitant.

"Jimin-ssi, where are we going?" I say quietly, walking next to him.

"To the Waiting Loft. It's where you will be sorted, even though I am one hundered percent sure that you are going to be put into heaven." Jimin says kindly, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"Oh that's comforting, is it nice up there? What is it like? Will I know anybody? How old are you?" I say spitting out questions one after another, as Jimin walks up the stair quickly.

"Woah, slow down my little blonde friend." He said while laughing. I look at him confused, why would he say I was blonde?

"Blonde?" I say.

"Hmm." He mutters to himself while looking down, then at me. "Look at yourself." He swipes his hand in the air and a hand mirror appears in front of me.

"What?!" I gasp loudly. "I don't look like this! I remember what I look like, and this is not it."

"Ugh, RM must have messed around with the Trailer again. I swear to the gods." He mumbles while walking up the steps some more. "Follow me Miss Rose."

I look up from the mirror, still very much in shock.

"Yes, yes I am coming." I scramble up the steps to get to the top where he was waiting for me.

"Let me explain what has happened to your appearance. Once you die, your earthly form will leave you, it's like an outer coat. This is your true skin." Jimin says gently, while walking towards to door.

I look down at myself for the first time since I got here. I am wearing pretty white toga, with a gold rope belt around my waist. The next thing I notice is my hair, it's long and platinum blonde, like he mentioned. I also notice my pale skin, I'm so heckin white. Jimin laughs at the comment I said in my head.

I am still getting used to the fact that he can read my mind, I look over at him, and he smiles.

"Come with me." He says while opening the doors for me. I follow him through the beautiful doors to big ballroom style room. Don't gasp, you do it too much. I say to myself.

Jimin laughs again at me trying to contain myself. He puts his arm around my shoulder, pulling me with him to a station where I would finally get sorted.

"Ah man, Save Me" Jimin mumbles to himself. My eyes widen at him.

"What? What's wrong? I say scared.

"RM is the only open station." He says while looking around for another station. "Well this is going to have to work, come with me."

"Oh, the guy that messed up the Trailer?" I say.

"Ya." He sighs. "Its ok we just need to pray to the gods that nothing will go wrong."

We walk over to RM's station, Jimin swipes the air for a card. He hands me the card, here is your ID, you are going to need it for RM to get you to the right place. Like I said I will stay with you they whole time so don't be nervous ok?"

"Ok," I walk over to RM "Eh, hi?" I say

"Ah, Hello." He turns around quickly and something crashes to the ground. He closes is eyes and groans. Jimin just shakes his head. I just hand him my card. He takes it and sticks it into a machine and you hear scary noises and he hits it on the side. You all of the sudden hear a scary ringtone, with a voice saying "Underworld", and smoke starts coming out of it.

"NO RM!" Jimin yells loudly.

And I am instantly teleported away.

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