Chapter Three

18 3 6

Yoongi's Room


I rustle and open my eyes slowly. I look around, I sit up quickly, Where am I? I look around, again and my eyes stop at the window, and I see the orange glow and it all comes back to me. I'm in hell. I snort, get up and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror, I had long platinum hair that is almost white, light blue green eyes, I look down at my body I am pretty slim, but I have a nice figure. Hmm I wonder how tall I am? I look around for anything that could help me. Nothing, I'll just have to figure it out later. I walk out the bathroom to find some new clothes laid out on the bed with a sticky note attached.

"My lord said you don't have any undergarments and told me to give you these. I hope they are to your liking. ~V"

I take the sticky note off to revile a black bra and underwear, I blush deeply just thinking on how he got them. I shake my head to get the thought out and I hurry and get undressed and take a quick shower. Feeling more refreshed after getting dressed in a short black dress with short sleeves, I walk out of the bathroom fixing my hair up into a ponytail. I sit on the bed; I wonder what I should do now? I wonder if its ok to walk around? Ah screw them, I'm bored. I get off the bed and quietly walk out of the door, I peek around the corner to see if anybody was there. Coast is clear, I say to myself as I tip-toe out.

I go to the door next the me, I open it to reveal a big, beautiful, ballroom. I walk in slowly, taking in the big candle chandelier's, the gold trimming, the dark blue paintings on the ceiling, and the long hall goldish brown flooring. I smile and walk around the big room looking at the paintings on the wall, most of them are of people dancing and some are of flowers. I go to opposite side of the room and exit the room. I walk the dark halls wondering where anybody is. It's so empty, I want to meet somebody, wait maybe that's not a good idea, I don't want them to get mad at me. As soon as the thought finished, I hear a loud sound behind me. I whip around to see a young-looking man, he has dark brown hair, piercing eyes. I just stare at him in shock, and I might add, I might be blushing a little.

"Who are you?" he says a little shy, puffing out his chest and straitening up. It looks like he's trying to act tough. He is holding a book; the other books are laying on the ground.

"My name is Rose." I say slowly walking over to help in pick up the books he dropped.

"Annyeonghaseyo (Hello)." he says kindly smiling, he bends over to pick up the books as well. Akk look at that cute little bunny smile, I think squealing inside, are all the guys here super good looking?? The young man looks at me funny.

"I don't have a bunny smile, do I?" He says swiping the air in front of him. A mirror appears in front of him and he smiles, and then groans right after. He looks over at me and says, "And no, we aren't all good looking." I smack my forehead.

"I'm sorry I can't seem to remember that you guys can read minds." I look at him worriedly. "You never mentioned your name."

"Oh, sorry." he bows, "My name is Jungkook." I bow back.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook." I smile, "oh here are your books" I say handing them back to him.

"Gomabseubnida (Thank you) Rose, I must go now, it was nice meeting you." I say walking away from me.

"Bye!" I wave at him. I turn and walk the opposite way. I walk for what it seems forever till I see big doors; I wonder if it's another beautiful ballroom. I opened the door to see I very, very big room.

I look in a little bit more into the room, to see a bed, definitely not a ballroom. It looks nothing like my room either, who's could it be? I walk in, probably shouldn't be but, oh well, I'm already dead. I slowly walk towards the bed, I touch the sheets, Damn, these are soft. I walk past a door and hear something, I stop. It's a shower, Crap. Someone turns the water off and I freeze, for some reason I cant move. I hear the person come out of the shower and come towards the door.

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