Sansa I

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I was in the lord commander's chamber, drinking soup Jon gave me. He just told me about how he was murdered by his own Night Watch brothers and showed me his stabbed wounds "The soup is good" I said to him, he was my bastard brother. The only remaining family I have left and he received me with open arms, even after how I treated him "do you remember those kidney pies old nan used to make?."

"With the beans and onions?" Jon asked. I nodded. Those where happy memories.

"We should have never left Winterfell" Jon said then

"Don't you wish we could go back to the day we left?. I want to scream at myself: don't go you idiot" I said to Jon.

"How could we know?" Jon asked .

"I spend a lot of time thinking how I ass I was to you" I said then "I wish I could change everything"

"We were children" Jon said.

"I was awful just admitted" I said then

"You were occasionally awful" Jon said "I sure I can't be grateful suking in the corner while the rest of you play". 

"Can you forgive me?" I said then. I looked at her,

"There is nothing to forgive" Jon said while he mile at me.

"Forgive me" I asked him

"Okay I forgive you" Jon responded with a smile as I asked him for the ale and I drink a bit but I almost throw it up after how awful it was

"You think that after thousands of years the Night Watch will learn how to make a good Ale" Jon said then.

"Where will you go?" I asked then.

"Where we will go" I responded back "if I don't watch over you, father's ghost will come back and murder me"

"Where would we go?" I asked. I was hoping he said home but I knew after what happened to him, he would say no and I would have to convince him.

"We will go home" he said then, making me feel happy "it's time house Bolton knows the price for betrayal "Winterfell belongs to the house Stark. Is ours. And Bran's. And Rickon's. And Arya's. Where ever they are. It belongs to our family. We have to fight for it"

"I... thought....after what happened...." I started

"I am tired of fighting" Jon said "but we will never be safe, as long as that backstabber and his mad bastard aren't dead"

"Will the wildlings fight for you?" I asked then "you did save them"

"I will talk to them" Jon said "but first, you need to know something". He passed me a letter. It was a little old "I recently found it among old letters". I open it and my eyes widened. It was Robb's handwriting. It was his last will.

I Robb Stark, king of the north and the trident, declared my half-brother Jon Snow free of his vows and make him my heir. I officially legalized him. He will became prince Jon Stark and in case I died without chidren, he will became king of the north. I am sorry to say that our sister Sansa is now a Lannister, our sister Arya is missing and our brothers Bran and Rickon were murdered by the scum known as Theon Greyjoy. This is the reason for this will.


Robb Stark, king of the north and the trident

"Read what's behind the letter" Jon said then. I did what he asked.


If your have received the will, I want you to follow your honor. You are my brother, not matter what anyone say about you. I didn't told my mother what Howland Reed told me because it will only complicate things. So I still named you, my cousin, with the name Aegon Targaryen, my heir and king of the north. For me, you are Jon Stark, my brother but in case is needed, I write this.

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