Chapter 13

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Amos had been at the station all night. They had some guy in custody for the latest murder. He was a drug dealer, or something like that, and they were really trying to wear him down. Amos had called that morning and told her he'd be home as soon as he could. Jackie still hadn't heard back.

Her heart jumped when the screen door opened.

It still wasn't him.

"You told me to just let myself in next time." Florence said. "I hope that you meant it."

A smile spread across her tired face. "I did." She held out her arms and pulled him in for a hug. "Tell me you brought more wine."

He produced the bottle, spinning it around so she could examine the label. "I know what you like."

"Top shelf of the grocery store. You spoil me." She went to grab a glass. She couldn't find one. She grabbed a mug instead. "Tell me all about your day. Mine has been shit."

"I have not done much." Florence slid his hands into his pockets. "I was running some errands and thought I would drop by. Is Amos at work already?"

"Oh, he's been there." Jackie welcomed the wine even though it wasn't chilled, which was how she preferred it. "Grilling someone about the latest murder you probably saw on the news. They will have to pull out a confession soon, they can only hold him for so long."

"And I'm sure there is paperwork, too." Florence nodded sympathetically. "They could hold him a while."

"I hope they don't. I'm starting to forget that I'm married." Jackie sighed. "Does Blair work a demanding job?"

"He's a freelance writer."

"So you don't know what it's like. I hope you never do." Jackie put one arm around her waist and held the glass with her free hand. "It is terrible and lonely."

"He's going to be retiring soon, isn't he?"

"Yeah," Jackie scoffed. "Over my dead body." The wine tasted a little sweeter than usual. She wasn't sure if she liked it.

"Oh, I meant to ask you." Florence began. "Does Amos still have my grandfather's watch?"

"I'm sorry?" Jackie blinked at the sudden turn.

"My grandfather's watch." Florence repeated. "The gold one with the diamonds around the face."

"He might." Jackie set down her wine glass. "Do you need it for something?"

"Well, I remember that my grandfather said he was going to leave it for when I was old enough. He gave it to Amos to take care of and I thought about it when he died, but mother fell ill so suddenly..." he shrugged. "It's all right if you can't find it. But I was just wondering about it."

"I'll go check." Jackie said. "Hang on just a minute." She turned away from him and vanished into the back room.

Amos kept everything he ever cared about in one drawer. He had a cameo from his grandmother, an old pair of leather motorcycle gloves, an expensive cigar he meant to smoke, and a small photo album from years ago. There were pictures of him and Calvin in that album – more pictures than existed of him and Jackie.

But no watch. Jackie searched the entire drawer. Knowing herself, she had probably stuffed it in the top of the closet somewhere and it would take forever to find it. She hated to disappoint Florence, but it would take her an entire afternoon to drag it all down. She'd find it some other time. Empty-handed, Jackie went back to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, Florence." She said. "I couldn't find it. I looked everywhere I could think. I'm sure it's somewhere."

"Oh, no worries." Florence gave her a bright smile. "I'm sure it will turn up."

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