chapter 1

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The soft crying of your personal servant was what you focused on. You drowned out the sounds of men that had captured you from your home on Vanaheim as they continued to hurdle their abuse at the both you. You knew the people of Asgard, your own father had warned you of them and their violent ways. He had told you not to stray to far from the palace and yet you had always done as you wished, nothing had ever happened. That was until now.
The shackles bit into your wrist as they pulled you behind them, you could hear the clanking of the chains that was bound to the horse every know and again. When they had attacked you and her a bag was secured over your heads making it impossible to see where you were headed. During the long walk you had fallen more then once, tearing your already ripped dress even further. If it weren't for the fact that Ryleaha had also been captured you would've fought back but she hadn't had the training you had and they would of killed her for sure.
If you only you had your sword with you when the ambush happened. Your father and uncle had spent years teaching how defend yourself in case something happened while the palace guards weren't at your disposal. You wished you had listened to your brother when he told you that your shouldn't of snuck out, that there had been rumors of Asgardians roaming closer and closer to the edges of your realm.
None of that mattered now.
"Do you think the king will let us have them first?" One of the idiots ahead of you stated, making Ryleaha cry harder. You weren't sure which of three were talking but it made your skin crawl. All three looked like they belonged to trolls, tall, unkempt and hairy.
"No!" Another of the idiots replied. "The King told us to bring some maids for the princes and they are not to be soiled."
"Think we are close enough to take the bags off? The one keeps tripping." The third asked, suddenly you felt the chain go slack as the horses stop.
You listened closely, changing the stance in your footing. You heard two of them dismount, the soft thump as they slid from their mounts. The sounds of footsteps getting closer, you balled your fists up in front of you and waited. Fingertips grasped the bottom of the itchy bag that was over head and as he pulled it off of you your brought your fists up and slammed them in to the soft spot between the chin and the neck.
The man instantly brought his head down, you reached up as the over two trolls turned to see what was happening. You didn't stop as you grasped the back of his head pushing it down as you slammed your knee up into his face. Blood bursted over the front of your soft teal dress, staining it crimson. Quickly you moved as the other troll started to rush toward you, you placed yourself behind the injured man and wrapped the chain around his throat snapping it up as hard and quick as you could.
"Shit!" The remaining man on horse back shouted as you felt the snap of the spine travel up through the chain. Sharp pain exploded in the back of your head as the world went dark.
You weren't sure how long you were out, the swaying of your body and the soft thump your already throbbing head into the stomach of the horse woke you. The orange glow of the setting sun reflected off the cobblestone, making your eyes ache. You attempted to lift your head to survey your surroundings but seeing as how you draped over the back of moving horse made it difficult. People had stepped out of their homes, filthy and dressed in rags.
You were slightly stunned by them, not because they had come out to see what was happening but because Asgard was a wealthy realm and yet the people looked to be poorly. You turned your head the other direction, the way you were headed to see a castle of gold, at least you found where their riches were. The king and his family had the money, the people had nothing.
A heaviness grew over you as the horse continued on through the palace gates, the sound of them slamming behind you made your heart race. You stared the black hole of the open doors to the palace, and chills ran down your spine. You knew this had been coming when they attacked, and yet it seemed like that at some point you would of escaped but now you were here and the clanging of the gates was all but the sound of a prison door slamming. You swallowed thickly as the horse came to a stop and you felt someone's hands on your waist pulling you roughly from the animals back.
Your feet hit the ground and you attempted to pull away but the man dragged you towards the open door. Ryleaha walked ahead she bowed her head as she followed without so much as a fight. You pulled against the chains as the troll like man kept his distance, yanking the metal the bound you to him. Blood oozed from the cuts the shackles had made.
Slowly he pulled you into the building, right into the opening of grand room. People lined the walls, women in grand dresses and men in expensive garb, this was no doubt the royal court, where the money of Asgard was held. It disgusted you, your own realm the wealth was distributed amongst the people, not greedily held by those of the upper class. The room was silent, the only sounds were that of your feet, you assumed that there had been a speech just prior to your entry from the stares you given.
The golden floor reflected the lights of the chandelier above you, red velvet drapes adorned the walls. Directly in the front, atop the stairs sitting a golden throne was the man that your father had quarreled with so many times. The patch covering his eyes and the white hair had been grilled into you from the stories your uncle had told you. This was the ruthless King Odin you had heard so much about. To his left sat his wife and standing on either side were his sons.
Prince Thor was dressed in the finest of silver armor, his deep crimson cape hung loose along his back. Golden hair pulled up half way, and his blues eyes flicked from you to your servant and back to you. A hammer was held loosely to his side, and to be honest if it weren't for the fact that he was licking his lips he would of been attractive.
Prince Loki stood to the other side, his own armor was sleeker and gold. His cape was a deep emerald that accented his eyes, loose black hair barely resting on his shoulders as he stood looking unamused. There was an evil glint to his eye, something about him made you want to wretch.
"As promised, a slave for the both you. Loki you won the contest earlier this evening you shall choose first." King Odin stated, not bothering to look towards his son.
"Father, I still disagree as the first born I should get first choice." Thor bellowed, he turned and was glaring down his brother over the heads of the king and queen.
"No, this argument was settled already. Loki, choose." Odin replied sharply.
Loki stepped forward and came down the steps towards the both of you. Straightening your body in an attempt to make yourself look taller you glared ahead at the prince as he came closer. His eyes pierced into you as he held your stare, the corner of his mouth pulled up as he stopped just a step or two ahead of you.
Slowly he turned and walked before your servant, her head still bowed. Loki's eyebrow raised as he continued walking, slowly and leisurely around the both of you. He took his time as he rounded you, no doubt studying everything about your physical form. He reappeared on your left as he finished his lap.
"I think I'll take.." He started to say as you stepped in front of your servant, the one he had actually been staring at. A coy smile crossed his face as a mischievous glint came to his eye.

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