Chapter 2

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It was something you thought should be done, to protect your own servant. But you weren't sure if it was a wise decision as you looked upon the wolf that was circling you both. Not knowing who would be the lesser of two evils. The way that Thor looked at you made cringe. And maybe you were protecting yourself by stepping in front of Loki, in hopes he would choose you over Ryleaha. Only to find an even more wicked glint in those greenish blue eyes. Serving yourself up to the wolf in sheep's clothing. Even though he was a wolf and yet you served yourself to him.

"I'll take her." He grinned wickedly as he stepped towards you, grabbing a rather painful hold on your chin. Turning your head this way and that, inspecting his prize. You attempted to pull away from his harsh hold on chin only failed and made him grip tighter. "You'll be fun to break." He spoke to you in hushed tones.

"Father, that's one I wanted." Thor whined. Like a child throwing a temper tantrum. When someone else played with their things. Loki finally dropped his hand from your chin as he nodded one of the guards over.

"Take this one to my chambers and make sure the servants give her a bath. She is positively filthy." He told the guard quietly. Before smirked at you. Then turned his attention towards his brother. A dark chuckle left his lips as his hands moved out to the sides, shrugging at his brother. "Perhaps brother you should have won."

The painful bite of the shackles into your skin as the guard pulled hard. Was something you had long forgotten. Stumble forward almost landing yourself face first on the marble floor. You watched you servant look at you one last time. Tears falling from her eyes. Once outside the golden doors to the grand hall. You look to the oof of a man that dragged you along. Still pulling hard on the chains. Finally causing you to fall.

"Get up." The guard rowed yanking once more. Only to drag your fallen body. He turned on his heels, approaching you.

With quick movements. You grabbed a hold of your chains with bond hands, your foot met his gut. Making him loss balance, not exciting you to fight back. His grip on the chain loosened, giving you the chance you needed. You pulled the chain free from his grasps. Scrambling to you feet. You took off trying to fine away out of the maze of halls, with a left then right. Trying a few doors in the process. You could hear the guard yell for you, chasing after. You were to quick, the man was like an Orc big and bulky. You came to a sudden holt when you felt a strong grip and sharp pain to the back of your head as it collided with the golden pillar, that your body had been thrown against.

You looked up at your captor thinking the guard had managed to catch up. Only to find piecing greenish blue eye glaring at you. Loki's hold on your throat tightened. Cause you to gasp for air. Your feet lift from the floor, toes brushed fast along the marble slab. You hands clawed at his.

"And where pray tell were you running off to?" Loki purred. You gasped in response slowly losing consciousness as you breathing started to come short and slow. Loki smirked, finally letting go of you. Letting your body crumbled to the floor in a heap, you coughed and heaved as you to took deep breaths. "Get up." Loki yanked you up off the ground. "Move." Pushing you forcefully. But you stood your ground. "Don't think I won't drag you! Now, I said move." Pulling your chains. You fought against your shackles. Trying to pull away from him.

The prince stopped in front of lager set of doors. Gold like the rest of the palace. With a wave of his hand they opened. He pushed you into the room. What you assumed to be his chambers. The large four post bed stood in the center of the room. Books lined the walls. A fireplace stood off to the side of the room. It would have been rather nice if you didn't know what horrors awaited. It would have reminded you of your own room. But not as green and as this one. You watched as two other servants came rushing in. Loki turned on his heels facing you.

"Take her, I want her cleaned up." Loki ordered not once looking at the other two. He took a step towards you. "Now be a good pet and do as your told. And this may go a lot easier for you."

"No." You spat in Loki's face. Which caused you quit a bit pain to you cheek, as his rather strong hand meet your face. A smirk on his face. As he tosses you towards the two servants. Hurrying you into another room. The room had to be just as big as the the bedroom. Marble pillars towered over you. Green marble floor led to the huge bath. Feeling the two girl that you assumed were his servants started to take your shackles off. Move around you, try to remove your tattered dress off. You pushed away, quickly moving away from them. But before you could do anything. An arm wrapped tightly around your waist. And a cold blade rested along your throat. Digging in just enough to make a point.

"Do not think about it Pet. I will not hesitate." Loki hissed into your ear. You winced a little when the dagger pressed harder. "I really do not want to damage this pretty little neck of yours." Tears started to sweep out slowly from your eyes. As hard as you tried to keep them at bay. But the feel of his body pressed against yours. All the while he got more and more aroused. You tried to pull your body away from him. But his grip around your waist tightened. He chuckled as he pushed his growing need harder against your backside. "Your a feisty one."

"Get off of me." You hissed. Still struggling. Hand pulling at his arms.

"Then be a good little pet and take those filthy clothes off." He cooed, his lips dangerously close to you neck.

"No." You growled, knowing you were only pissing him off more.

"Fine." The way he said it sounded dark. You felt the knife move thinking maybe he was giving up.

It was to good to be true. As he moved the blade along what skin was exposed. Running the tip over the curve of your breasts. Then down the valley of them and with swift movement of the knife and the man that wielded it. Shredded through the top of your corseted dress. Like it was butter. His other hand ripping away the pieces of material that was left. Leaving you bare to him. You hands moved to cover the front of you. Loki finally took a step back from you. To admire your naked backside. You felt humiliated. You could feel his eye bore into you, raking over you.

"Move your hands. I would like to see my prize." Pleased with his decision as he circled around you again. His unexacting little lamb. Quickly you turned your back towards him. His dark chuckled made you tense up. You were playing a dangerous game, but you were not going to surrender that easy.

Suddenly you felt your hands rip away from the areas they attempted to cover. Never felling Loki's cold touch. Your body moved without your permission. Loki was still standing in the same spot as before. Only thing different was his hand, it was out, fingers distorted a bit like he was turning a door handle. Green light illuminated from the tips of his fingers. You eyes widened in both fear and shock. No one in your kingdom had ever told you about the prices only of what they looked like. But never their abilities. Could Thor wield the same power. Not dwell on these things, as Loki moved towards you.

"I will say this little pet. You will indeed be fun to break." His eyes freely roamed over your naked body. Unable to move or do anything, as whatever witch craft he was using on you made it impossible to do anything. His hand moved to touch you. You trembled at his feel of his hand on your bare Skin. Unsure what he would do to you. "You are a very pretty little thing. I hope for your sake you'll survive. I have such delightful plans for you." Loki hummed he then pushed you into the lager bath in the floor. You came up for air fast. Glaring at the man. As he turned on his heels. Glancing over his shoulders.

"Make sure she clean. I do not think I want my new pet to wear clothes, so make sure she doesn't." Loki yelled out, the servants quickly bowed and headed over towards you. Fear filled your eyes as you tried to fight but that same feeling that held your arms from you. Paralyzed you whole body. Allowing them to do their jobs.

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