Chapter 6

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  Trigger warnings: Rape, blood, violence.

Loki growled into your ear. His hot breath fanned along your exposed skin. Your free hand attempt to pry his hand from your neck. Only causing him to tighten his grip. Gasping out as your breath started came out shallow. On the brink of everything going black. You tried hard not to panic. His body pressed harder against you. He was turned on once more and it disgusted you, the thought of him getting turned on just by hurting you was disturbing. Loki's grip loosened around your neck, but not against your body. You jumped when someone cleared there throat.

           "What a tantalizing Little treat she is." Thor purred, resting his large body against the door frame. Enjoyable smirk across his face. Loki let go of you quickly turning on his heels and with a flick of his wrist you were covered in an Emerald silk robe, a golden sash tied around your waist. Couching as you slumped against the pillar, your hand rubbing along your neck. You looked over at the golden hair prince, Thor licked his lips hungry, as eyes roamed over you. For a moment you were thankful that Loki covered your body. You pulled at the hem, it was to short for your liking. Showing more of your thighs then needed. The way Thor looked at you was enough to make your skin crawl. Even with Loki shielding you.

             "What, Brother?" Loki hissed in annoyance. "If you can tell I'm a bit busy."

              "Don't let me interrupt." Thor hummed as he pushed his body away from the door frame. Taking large strides, his eyes never wavering from you. As he spoke to his brother. You could see red welts along Thor exposed flesh. What had he done to your hand maid. In a fit of anger you lashed out towards the man. Not getting very far, the shackle and Loki took their place pulling you back.

           "You asshole." You spat out. Fight against Loki's grasp trying to get your hands on the man that thought he was a god.

            "Brother, you really should put her in her place. Are you sure you don't want me to take her off your hands." Thor chucked at your weak attempt at coming at him. Oh your wanted to kill him.

            "No," Loki snarled. Glaring daggers at his brother. "I will be the one to put her in whatever place I den fit. You will not touch her." Loki pushed you back to your place behind him. His arm still tightly warped around you. "What is the reason for your intrusion?"

          "Father wishes to speak with us. I'm here to fetch you, brother." Thor obviously annoyed. You heard Loki sigh angrily as he started walking towards his brother. Realizing after he walked passed Thor he was still standing there. His eyes trained on you. Licking his lips once more.

            "Brother." Loki half yelled. Waiting on his brother, not wanting to leave him alone with you. Thor smirked at you wickedly, winking at you before turning on his heels.

        A sigh of relief when they both left. You paced around the bed as it seemed to be the only area you could really move to. The shackle pinching your ankle ever so often. You stared at the food like it was poison. You were too hungry to care as you ate a little. Shutting the noises your stomach made. What felt like hours when the door open and who you presumed was Loki entered. Armed with the tray that had the food on it. You were ready. Only it for it to be Thor striding in, you froze.

          "Aye and what pray tell is that going to do?" Thor's booming chuckle echoed the room. Well there was only one way to find out, as his stepped closer. You swung as he approached. Hitting the older prince square in the jaw. Only for it to concave against him. Thor chuckled more before grabbing ahold of your wrist, dropping the tray. "Finally it's just you and me. My brother will be quite busy for awhile giving us sometime to have fun."

          "No!" You squeaked out, fear filled your widen eyes. You pulled against him. Clearly he was much stronger then the dark haired prince. Clawing as his hand fighting him as best as you could.

             "Soon your stop this wretched fighting and just learn to take it like a good girl." Thor hummed Ripping open the silk robe exposing the front of your body. His free hand slid under the silk cupping your Breast kneading them. Moaning in delight.

           You cried out in anger trying to rip yourself away. Smacking, punching at the oaf of a man. Desperately trying to free yourself. Dark clouds crossed the already lightless kingdom, thunder boomed loudly over head. Only after your knee collided with Thor's grind. Freeing you for a moment as you tried to scurry away.

              "Oh you little whore, you'll pay for that! And Here I was going to go easy on you when I bed you." He snarled, the back of his hand met your cheek hard. You cried out. You hand touched your burning cheek. Then his hand gripping in your hair, ripping your head back. Your body hurdle forward, as Thor fling you on the bed face first with great force, that the soft bed was like a bolder on impact. Knocking the wind out of you. Ripping away the rest of the robe that Loki had given you. In attempt to hide you from his brother lingering eyes.

            You small attempt to get away was stopped when he yanked on the chain of the shackle, dragging you back towards him. You felt the bed dip from his weight. As he held you down with the weight of him.

                 "Oh I'm going to enjoy taking your delicate flower, before my brother gets too. I'll ruin you for him. Then I'll have what was rightfully mine." He growled in to your ear making you cringe. You struggled to free yourself know what was going to happen now. Know it would eventually happen. If it already hadn't happened with Loki, after you passed out. You whimpered in disgusts as you felt his growing member harden with lust against your backside.

            "Get off me!" You screamed, struggling against him. You heard him spit into his hand, rubbing it along his cock pumping himself a few time. Before he entered you. Screamed out in pain. Tears running down your face. No matter how hard you tried not too. Your face was pressed into the mattress as he took what was once yours to give to your future husband. His large hand pawed at your ass slapping at it, making you cry out. The silk sheets soaked from your tears.

            "My, my what a sight to see." Thor growled flipped you over. "Still a Virgin as I suspected. His hand pawed at the rest of your body. Watching himself fuck in and out of you. Soon it was over as he spilled into your raw core. Pulling out as he still came. His hand grabbing a hold of his Length. Jerking himself, squirting the rest of his seed all over you and the bed. Growling in pleasure as he watched you. His hand smearing the wet liquid over your breasts. Before pulling away from you.

        Tying his robe back up. Petting at your hair, smiling as he left reassuring he would be back to have you again. Once the door closed. You didn't get very far off the bed before you throw up all that you had just ate on the half the bed and floor. Blood and the contents of what Thor left, slipped down your thighs.

             You curled into a shaking uncontrollably ball, as you sobbed. Wanting desperately to wake up from this nightmare. Creek of the door made you jump. Loki walked in bring more food as the other had fallen to the floor. You scrambled to the floor thinking it might have been Thor again.

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