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Moonbin's POV

I felt a humongous storm coming. No exaggeration applied. I don't remember all the detail that have happen today but it sure has been confusing.

So I started my day like any typical day. Well I believe I did. My mom was in a hurry today because she had a new client for the company, which she inherited since my father passed on and I was too young. She did mention that this client was widely known, super important but she had known him for quite a while. She ran downstairs and kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you, my precious son," she said as she hugged me tightly.

At that moment all I was able of think if was how my mother had been such a strong person in my life. I remembered so much as I waved goodbye, wishing her the best of luck at work.

"Binnie you're rather pale. If you feel blue, please stay home. I'll come as soon as possible" she said jogging towards the door. I had just waved again and told her I would stay behind.

The moment she left the door, I wanted to crawl down and die. I felt alone.

I wondered how my mother is strong. Today was not like any was the 10th death anniversary of my father and sister. Not only them but of Minnie's mother and brother.

Out of all the things I would possibly remember of Minnie, is the negative stuff. I forgot their face, I remember their shining smile, blurry faces. I do remember some memories, great and horrible ones, this being  a horrible one. Minnie was really close to me as I remember. We were in the same class for school and our parent were friends. Jinwoo had always been a close friend, even when being a year older he still watched over us. Our parents all work in their family business. Well Minnie's family had a company, they were important clients and friends for our company and parents. Jinwoo's family was working under my parents company. They somehow became close friends, probably because they were childhood friends as well.

10 years ago, Minnie and I had sneaked out of the school to fool around nearby. We walked around that neighborhood, eventually we had reached the principal street. The street that had everyone in joy. I loved that street.

I felt it was extremely strange that day, the street seemed to have been missing its sparkle. It was also very lonely, no rather abounded. Minnie and I had been there to witness a horrible scene, very few adults were there. If they were there they had been busy with their work duties. Minnie and I had been waiting to have the pedestrian light to give us a go sign so we could start heading back to school.

I suddenly see a the light turn on, Minnie was stepping into the street when I had stopped him. I wasn't able to move at all, I was just terrified. Minnie had sat next to me on the wall behind the light, almost on the curb. He had tried calming me down.

Suddenly, we heard a large screech. There was a truck that had lost control to the brakes. There was also a car trying to turn left, towards the street heading to the school. The windows were down. It had been my sister with Minnie's brother in the backseat. She smiled so happily screaming, "Oh! Look Minnie! Binnie!" Minnie's brother had even joined the cheer. They were so unaware that there lives would be destroyed in a second. My father had been driving the car, with Minnie's mother in the passenger seat. At that moment I realized they were on their way to pick us up.

All while this was happening my father noticed the truck. He was trying to get out of the way but the speed of the merchant truck overpowered them. The car in which our family had been, had been taken with the truck. The cars was flipped over three times and landed roof on the ground. All I saw was glass with blood. The truck had been stopped. Minnie and I ran towards our family's car. We saw our siblings lifeless, the car was had been destroyed. Minnie's mother was hanging as she was attached to her seat, as well as my father. Minnie walked up to his mother, he just stood there besides his mother. He had started screaming for his mom. She held is hand and squeezed it, she whispered something to him. Then passed away. My father held on as much as he could. Sadly, all he could was pat my head and smile. Minnie and I had tears forming rivers on our faces. We heard ambulances and decided to run to school.

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