The plan

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"Thanks buddy you're a life saver!" As Keith spoke he heard keys fumbling with the lock on the front door. "Oh shit he's home early, gotta go!" He abruptly hung up the phone and threw himself down on the couch, grabbing the tv remote as the door swung open.

"Honey I'm home!!" Lance sang as he stepped in and removed his shoes.

"Hey kitten how was work?" Keith purred taking in his mocha brown skin, slightly glistening from the walk up to our fourth floor apartment. Lance groaned and flopped down on the couch next to Keith and planted his face in his lap. "That bad huh?" He groaned again. "How about something to take your mind off of it? Something fun?" Lance turned his head slightly to peek up at Keith.

"Tv?" Lance blinked owlishly.

"Maybe in a moment, I was thinking that Hunk's birthday was coming up..." Lance cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy. "What if we threw him a surprise party?"

Lance launched himself off Keith's lap and off the couch entirely. He began hopping up and down. "Really? Can we? Can we? It would be so much fun and we can have all his favorite foods and have all of his friends there and OMG we can invite Shay he would totally love that and maybe they will get together finally and we can go on double dates and we can stand in their wedding and—"

"Lance!" He froze. "Breathe." He took a deep breath.

"But really can we?"

"Well I wouldn't have suggested it if we weren't going to try kitten." Keith said pushing the hair off Lance's forehead that had gotten stuck there with sweat.

"Ew," he murmured feeling his damp hair. "I need to shower."

"Want me to join you love?"

"Only if you keep your hands to yourself."

"I would never!" Keith smirked.

"Lies! Do not befoul my pure body with your sinful hands!" Lance held a towel from the linen closet up as a shield and backed into the bathroom

"I will not befoul you fair maiden!" Keith giggled following him into the bathroom.

~One hour later~

They were laying in their bed and Lance had pulled up a Word document on his laptop and was deep in to serious party planning mode.

"So we should have the party in the old park over by the river. We could do it in the evening and set up some string lights and have music, we wouldn't bother anyone with the music out there." Lance mused typing away on the keyboard. Keith smiled and nodded knowing that would also be a nice romantic atmosphere as well. "Sooooo guest list?"

"Well we have to invite Shay," Keith smirked.

"Of COURSE! What kind of friends would we be if we didn't invite his crush!" And with that the rest of the evening was spent planning and joking but little did Lance know what Keith was actually planning.

*time skip to party day*

Pidge growled as she jumped to hook a fallen string light back on the pole.

"Need some help shortie?" Keith asked laughing.

"You're not that much taller than me loverbo–wahhh" Shiro swooped in and lifted Pidge effortlessly so she could fix the lights. Keith laughed at the murderous glare she sent both of their ways.

Keith walked around the small park checking to make sure every last detail was exactly as Lance had said. It all looked really pretty and romantic, almost as if he knew the truth... but he couldn't have! Keith has been very careful about not spilling and if someone else told they were dead. Nothing could be done now, he'd just gotten a text from Lance that he and Hunk were on their way there.

"Guys they're on their way, places!" Keith whispered.

"Gee Lance why are we heading to the old park?" They heard Hunk playing his part perfectly.

"No reason big guy it's just really nice there at night and I thought we could take a walk," Lance responded smoothly as if he had expected that question.

"Oh ok, it is nice tonight." They were about to walk past the gate and see the setup.

Lance stepped through first a little confused as to why no one was crouched down to pop up and shout "surprise" when Hunk walked through. He was even more confused that they didn't shout it at all when he did especially since Pidge was clearly filming. He walked up to Keith.

"Keith what's going on you're supposed to yell surprise!" Lance hissed through his teeth.

"Yeah you're right we should have," Keith winked at Hunk who much to Lance's surprise went and started the music. "That is if this were Hunk's party but it's not. This party is for you."

Keith sunk down to one knee and pulled an action figure that looked surprisingly like Mike Wazowski out of his pocket and held it out to Lance. "Lance you are the love of my life and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you." He opens the action figure to reveal it was a ring box. "Lance McClain, will you marry me?"

Lance stood there shocked, he suspected this was coming soon but like this? It was all too perfect. Keith cleared his throat.

"Um babe? I uh kinda need an answer..."

"Oh! Shit! Yes! Yes yes a million times yes!" Lance said laughing as he threw his arms around Keith's shoulders. Keith smiled and kissed his new fiancé. They both stood up and stepped back from each other so Keith could slide the ring on to Lance's slender finger.

"So," Lance cleared his throat, "nice plan."

"To be fair it was Hunk's idea actually but my idea to have you plan it so it would be perfect."

"It is perfect." Lance sighed and leaned his head on Keith's chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


So I've had this sitting as a draft on here for like a month and a half with just this as the outline:

Hunk's birthday
Keith propose
Lance "keep hunk busy"
Lance think surprise bday party but really Keith propose

Idk why it took me so long to write it... but here it is


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