soft 👣| brion

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"z, baby, it's time for the check up appointment." brandon crawled on the bed from where he usually slept to the body of a napping zion on the other side. zion didn't say anything as he shifted under the covers, his body then stretching out. brandon pressed his lips to zion's exposed cheek, who just smiled, "alright, up and at 'em babe. we gotta go." zion groaned and held his arms out, "help me up." brandon chuckled as he walked to the other side of the bed, grabbing zion's outstretched hands to pull him up. he sat up on the edge of the bed, "what do you want to wear?" brandon asked as he walked over to the closet, raking through the clothes, "just anything comfortable."

so then brandon went to the dresser of their shared condo bedroom and pulled out a hoodie and a pair of jeans. after helping zion lace up his white high top converses, the two got into the car and started heading towards the doctor's office. zion didn't say much as he soothingly rubbed his belly, brandon talking to him about how his family wanted to plan the baby shower.

"b, you know i don't want the fuss." zion looked over at brandon from the passengers seat as he sighed, then looking out ahead. brandon kept looking ahead as he drove, "i know, i know. this is my mom's first grandchild though, you gotta let her thrive." he chuckled while zion sighed again. when the two got to the office, they checked in and took a seat. brandon was amused as he watched zion stare at nothing as he got lost in a deep thought. soon after vitals they were in a room, zion with his hoodie pulled up to expose his belly that was starting to get round. the two were talking about nick and edwin's announcement of their second baby on instagram when the doctor walked in, "hello mr. arreaga! how are you?" brandon smiled courteously as he shook her hand, then she turned to zion, "mommy bee!" zion had to laugh because she always made the nickname amusing even if brandon made it annoying, "alright, you guys ready to meet baby bee?" she asked as she put the ultrasound gel on his stomach, spreading it with the wand, "alright! where's baby bee...oh! found-wait a minute, them!"

zion's eyes widened, " in twins?" dr. brooke nodded with a wide grin, "yes indeed!" brandon's smile was so bright and he chuckled when zion leaned back and groaned, "r.i.p. to my body...thanks a lot brandon."

"better news, two rambunctious little boys!"

"oh god!"


"b, baby, the boys are kicking my back, I really don't feel up to a sunday dinner with your family."

"babe, everyone's fine with you taking your time. they just really want you there." brandon gave a pleading look to zion who shook his head while outstretching his hands, "fine, but I feel like a freaking bus." zion groaned and b couldn't help but smile because his plan was going on track now. so when they got to brandon's parents house, zion didn't expect for the 'surprise's' and all their family and friends being there along with blue baby shower be decorations, nor did he expect to be crying with pure joy.

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