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Pink t-shirt,
red jacket,
pink lipstick,
a hint of eye shadow,
Mamaw told me color affects mood.
This explains her steadiness.

"Bless your heart," she says,
and she means for you to be blessed;
"My lands" when told a joke that leaves her in stitches;
"Well" in response to a bad headline.
Her grandchildren each do their own impression--
we don't have our own catchphrases, so we borrow hers.

"Let's get goin', Frenchy," Grandpa would call out
as they said their goodbyes.
That was before the divorce that made my adult mother cry
and after:
they remained best friends, apartments 26 and 28.

My best memories of family
feature her Thanksgiving turkey,
the Christmas tree in the basement,
and the countless cousins.
The stories of Appalachia
and surety of faith in her heart
warm our kin.

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