Hocking Hell

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All of us were looking for the perfect place
to set down our things out of the way,
but you, beelining toward the pond,
carrying a tripod,
your screenplay,
and your storyboards,
had eyes only for your dream

A vision of what was to come,
what was to last
beyond us,
a dream of alternate reality,
a youthful exercise in
a path to the next time,
the next trip,
the next thrills

Laughter was the gauge of your success
and it surrounded us
after every vignette,
red hands turned the corner
and our grins met the room

Now the long wait begins
until our story is pieced together,
polished, packaged, a bow on top,
and we gather to celebrate our shared "hell",
birthed from the heaven of that cabin,
on that pond,
enveloped by invisible barriers
framing our shared story

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