Chapter 3

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The room had been silent for a while now. Natalia hadn't realised how close she had stepped to canvas until Cian gently pulled her back by her hand. "It's.." Cian stopped and cleared his throat. "..Amazing is the only word. Why wouldnt he want this shown I dont understand his skill the emotion..amazing." Miriam smiled weakly and placed the cover back on the painting. Natalia made a small sound of protest but made no move to stop her when she saw Cian shake his head slightly. They followed Miriam back to the sofas and sat. "His a very private man. I was never meant to show or tell anyone about this but I just knew you two.. You would understand you would help him." Cian frowned at this it sounded like she wasn't just talking about helping him in the art world now. "Yes we can we will. I need to meet him." Natalia leaned forward and grasped Miriams hand. Miriam held the younger womans gaze as if searching her eyes for an answer to a question only she knew. Whatever it was she seemed to have found it as she smiled at natalia and squeezed her hand back. "Yes I believe you will." There was a knock at the door that broke the gaze of the two women, the door opened to reveal a female student. "Ms. light, we need you to come do the last check with Cian and Natalia now, its 6.30 its nearly time." Cian stood and smiled at the young girl "We'll be right along Sarah." The girl almost melted at his smile and hurried off. "Come ladies we will get this show on the road then discuss what were going to do about this nervous artist." He held his arm out for Miriam and escorted her out the door. Natalia stood but didnt leave she was staring at the covered canvas. "What happened to you tesoro?" she whispered to herself. 

The night was a success they had raised a decent amount of money for charities of the students choice and a few had even been commissioned to do a few personal pieces for clients of the gallery that had attended that nights events. There was no time for Cian and Natalia to discuss the mysterious artist with Miriam again that night. But as they lay in bed together in the early hours of the morning. it was all Natalia could think of. "Cian we have to meet him" Cian without having to ask knew who she meant. He ran a hand down her slender back as she lay on his chest " Yes mo ghra I know."

The next morning after a walk through of the studio and assisting in packing the art pieces that were sold at the auction and a few that were sold from their own stock Cian walked in to the office to discover the painting that had pulled Natalia and him at such deep levels was still sitting on the easel. He thought this odd as Miriam was so worried about the artist finding out she had taken it. He picked up the phone and searched the contacts for Miriams home number. It rang before the answer phone kicked in. "Hello my love its Cian here I was calling to tell you that I've booked our tickets to Mexico and to let you know that you left your shy artists painting here,  I'm sure natalia would exchange me for.." He was cut off when some one picked the phone up and growled at him. "Where is my painting!" Cian felt a shiver run down his spine at the sexy voice that demanded an answer from him he found himself unable to speak for a moment. "Well!" The voice demanded again. " I.. its at the art gallery just off acre walk in town, I assume your the artist?" Cian managed to stutter out. He shook his head trying to clear the images of a faceless man growling a whole set of different demands in his ear and in a whole different setting. The man snorted "I painted it if thats what you mean.. I'll be there in an hour to collect it. Dont go showing anyone now Miriam has already shown one too many people for my liking" Cian opened his mouth to reply only to discover the man had hung up on him. He laughed a little and hurried out the office to find Natalia this was going to be an eventful morning.

Mark slammed the phone down irritated at the man he'd just spoken to not because he had stuttered and stalled but because at the sound of the mans deep irish tainted voice an wave of lust had shot straight to his groin. He stormed back to his room and slammed the door annoyed that after all these years he still couldnt escape the sick fantasies he was left with.

hey I know this onesshort but it needs to be I want to dedicate a whole chapter to their first meeting. i forgot in the last chapter Cian used a term of endearment "mo ghra" it means my lovein irish gaelic and in this chapter Natalia used an italian term "tesoro" it means darling she is of italian and russian heritage. The pic is of corse the lovely Cian. hope you enjoyed im working on the next chapter now and it'll be up soon im just going back on the first chapter and prologue to correct some errors that have been pointed out to me. I love the votes so far but would love a comment or two on how you guys are feeling the story is going. Also i had a message about the second chapter being lacking in the sexy stuff.. yes there was no sex scene but there will be one soon but i want you to get to know the characters too. 

thanks for reading guys and girls.

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