Chapter 6~

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Payton's P. o. V.
I smile back at the boy leaning against my car. He'd been checking his reflection in his camera, making sure his brown skin was "glowing for the gods" with highlight.

"Get in, car's open." I say, unlocking my baby.

I have always been extremely fascinated by smooth cars like this one. I'd been saving since sophomore year and I finally had all the money saved by the beginning of my junior year, which was originally supposed to go toward a used Shelby Ford Mustang, 1968.
My large family was born into mechanics thanks to my great grandfather, so I was basically destined to become one, that's why I thought the car would be perfect opportunity. But unfortunately it just needed too much work on it than I had time, so I had to settle for something practical and reliable to get me to and from school.
That's when I found my Lincoln at an auction.
"Ughh Arthur hasn't texted me since lunch!" Bailey whined as I started off toward his house.

"Aww the poor Bailey"- I grinned as I fluffed his hair, making him groan and roll his eyes.
-"are you coming to mine for dinner or should I drop you home?" He lights up at the mention of food.

"Well since the parents will be working the graveyard shift at the hospital, I'll settle for that dinner..and maybe a movie...OOH CAN I STAY THE NIGHT?! I promise I'll be super good this time and won't try to have a party. Even though I know you would've had fun.." He said the last party quietly as if I couldn't hear him.

"Uh what was that last part?" I inquired as I turned around back toward my apartment.

"Ooh nothing. What's for dinner mom??" I laughed and hit his arm.

"I was thinking regular ol' Italian, spaghetti and meatballs. It's good I have that spare room for you, I knew when I rented the place that you'd probably be one of the only people sleeping in it. You're lucky I like you enough to think like that bay leaf." He glared at the nickname and nodded as if to say 'that's right.'

We talk more about his Arthur and practically begs me to let him come over, which I allow only because he doesn't intend on staying the night. Bailey is right about me being a total mom friend, but it's a school night and he knows the drill. I also tell him about Amanda calling me again, to which he rolls his eyes knowingly and sighs telling me that I should've blocked her a long time ago. It's his turn to tell me what's good for me and I brush it off as I pull into the parking lot.

I change into something comfortable and put my bag away when we get in and start preparing dinner. By this time I'm so tired I would rather just go to bed, but it's the middle of the day—and I'm starving.
As I'm finishing up the delicious meal I have so graciously prepared for these kids, the doorbell rings. Before I could even move from my spot I hear someone slip and almost fall trying to get to the door. I nearly laugh my ass off at the sight I see walking back into the living room.

Bailey stretched out on the floor reaching for the door handle from the ground and giving me a competitive look as he gets back on his feet trying to compose himself before opening the door. I put my hand on my hip and watch as he's embraced by his 'Arthur' who is at least a foot taller and a shade lighter than himself. I thought for sure he wouldn't be able to fit through the door.
After their embrace he's kind enough to take off his shoes at the door and hang up his jacket.
Unlike Bailey.
"You must be Arthur, Bailey has told me a lot about you." I shake his hand firmly. I won't interrogate him yet, only because he already looked scared enough so I let him go and show him to the couch.

"B please go set the table." He groans. "But Arthur just g"- I stop him in his tracks.

"Now, please." He knows I mean business as my voice is firm and I hear a few giggles escape a blushing Arthur.
Gentle giant.
After we eat over the topic of school they both head up to B's room and I try to keep myself up. I guess I was up later than I thought.

Arthur leaves after a couple hours and B comes in my room while I watch a movie. I play with his curly hair after scolding him for stealing my socks which made his ass fall in the first place and he falls asleep before it ends as always.
My mind wanders toward the face in the back of my mind a little before I follow suit and turn off the movie, trying not to think of work and school tomorrow.
I love slow days like these.

The Struggle of Ms. Carter   (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now