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Uniform, check, ponytail, check, car keys, check, cellphone, check.

I took my bag and head out of the house and got in my car.

As I drove to the Karen's cafe, I turn on the radio. Luckily, my favorite song I don't want to be, was playing. I park my car to the side and enter in the coffee shop.

-Hey Karen,i greeted

-Hey Savannah,want some hot chocolate?, she ask me

-No thanks I have a practice in ten.

Luke heads out of the kitchen with his basketball.

-Hey luke

He smiles,witch I return.

-Hey sav,he replied

I check my phone and see that my practise was in 5 minutes.

-Oh shoot, i got to go. Bye see you soon!,I said in rush.

I run to my car and start it to go to the gym.

I enter the changing room and change in my uniform. I go in the gym and bump into someone. I look up and see Nathan scott.

Nathan is my crush since first grade, but I promise myself that I wouldn't fall in love with him for lucas. 

I shook my head at the thoughts.

-Hmm sorry I didn't see where I was heading, I quickly apologized.

-No its okay,he respond with a smirk.

I join Brooke, Peyton and the other cheerleaders. They were in a big discussion.

-So you and nate, over over,Brooke ask

- Yeah, he broke up with me because i was too much trouble,she replied

Even if they are my friends, I don't really like the superficial story. So I turn my face to look around and look at the basketball practice. Nathan make a 3 points shot.

-Come on warm up everybody the match start in 30 minutes.,whitey said.

Nathan turn around and when he saw that I was looking at him he smile at me, witch I return.

I was stretching my legs when the other team enter the gym, a guy look at me and made a flirting face and i roll my eyes. Nathan jog to me.

- Hey, he said

-Hey, I answer with a smile.

-Would you want to hang out with me tomorrow?

-Yeah sure, I answer.

In the corner I saw Peyton glaring and roll her eyes.


He go to whitey because he was calling him.

Did I dream or the nathan scott ask me on a date?

10 minutes later the game start.

-Go ravens!, I shout

Nathan make a Dunk ( its a type of shot in basket) and somehow I was proud of him. 

We won for the thousand time.


I wake up to my phone ringing.

I groan but answer anyway.


-Sav meet me in 15 minutes at the rivercourt, The voice of lucas talking in my ears.

-Ok, I said before hanging up.

PS: I love you//Nathan Scott (1)Where stories live. Discover now