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안녕하세요 !

To the side is a song I really love and I wanted to share it with you, so here you go its called Eyes Nose Lips by Tablo and Taeyang.


~~ Recap ~~

"Tch," I jump and turn around to see Heichou glaring at me. "Its late, you should be at your cell."

"Ah Gomen'nasai Heichou." I bow and move away from the door and trudge down the stairs and into the basement.

Aria... Please get better soon.

Levi's POV

I look at Ariadne and sigh.

You're a troublesome one, aren't you?

I sit on the chair in the corner and loosen my cravat. I shrug off my coat and hang it behind my chair and cross my arms.

I stand and place my fingers on her forehead and feel her head warming up. I hear her breathing shortly. I pull the blanket over her. 'Tch.

"Why... Why do I feel like you're different from the others?"

That you know what I feel...

I sigh once more and scoot Ariadne just the tiniest away from the edge of the bed and lay on the bed with her.

You better not kick in your sleep...

~~ End of Recap ~~

Aria's POV

I slowly open my eyes and look around...

Oh look there's a desk, a wardrobe, and Levi sleeping next to me...Wait DAFUQ?! (」゚ロ゚)」

I jolt up and Levi moves a little and then stops.

Holy crap....That was so close... Wait... Why is he sharing a bed with m- HOLY FUDGE BALLS HE RAPED ME!!! PEDOPHILE!!! RAPIST!!! AGSJBIMEQIBDIN !!!!


Wait... I'm wearing clothes.... he's wearing clothes.... Phew....

I stand up slowly and when Levi moved the slightest bit I stopped and didn't move until Corporal did. When I reached the floor I heard a grunt.

"If you're going to wake up and move around, you better shut the hell up." I freeze and stand still. "Just because you stopped moving doesn't mean I can't hear or see you, brat."

"Ah... Gomen'nasai Heichou." I bow and back away from the room. Once out I run to the basement and find Eren still asleep.

"Eren!!! Wake up!!!" And idea popped into my head.


I backed up and bent my knees just a bit and then ran straight at Eren jumping on top of him and yelling at the top of my lungs. "THE TITANS ARE COMING!! THE TITANS ARE COMING!!"

Eren bolts up and shoves me off the bed onto the floor and I land with an 'Uff.'

"That was quite rude, you dippoop!" I say sitting from the floor.

"ARIA!" I hear Eren yell and tackle me onto the floor once more.

"Get off me you asshat!!" I struggle against his hold.

Welcome To Hell {SnK/AoT Fanfic} *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now