First encounter

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      I was rudely awaken from my sleep by the sound of the alarm seriously what kind of cruel villian has to wake people up at 3 in the morning. I sigh loudly as I get up from my bed and quickly put on my suit and rush to the common room the rest of the team already there. "Took ya long enough grass stain," Cy teased "aww come on guys I didn't take that long," I pout. "Guys stop messing around come on let's go" ordered Robin seriously he is so bossy I think as we begin to leave the tower. "So Robin any intel on who the villain is this time," Cy asked "the only information I have is that a couple guards were attacked and that who or whatever attacked them is still on rampage trying to get some kind of relic that was being shipped a book I think?" Robin responded. "Great we have a bookworm," I joke trying to lighten the mood what was interrupted with Robin Saying "Beastboy right now is not the time to joke and people were seriously injured." I'm a mutter a quick apology now knowing now isn't the time to joke. We arrived to the warehouse shortly afterwards and exit the t car I'm honestly curious who this villain is and why they are going out after some crummy old book and cared enough about it to hurt people. We slowly enter the warehouse I can hear muffled groaning and turn the corner to see a bunch of guards laying against the wall with blood dripping on their clothing. Robin announces "Starfire get these people safety we will find who did this," Starfire quietly nods and begins to carry the people outside. Now knowing the people are going to be taken to safety we turn our attention back to finding the person who did it. Then from above I hear the quiet sound of someone hopping from the metal pillars in the warehouse suddenly as quick as a flash all the light bulbs in the warehouse explode
Leaving us surrounded by darkness. Suddenly to the right I had Cyborg let out a Yell of pain "ahhh my circuit boards are fried," he exclaimed as he fell the his knees I run to his side to help him but he then says "no I'm fine you guys go on without me," quickly run up towards Robin trying to figure out who's been doing this at this point I figure they probably have powers that control electricity or it is the hive five cause Jinx could do that which is how they took out Cy. To my left I hear the creaking of metal and yell duck has both me and Robin and go down to her knees as a black flash but passes over us. We scanned the area above trying to see where that black blur went to but then suddenly Robin the slammed into the wall or behind us and Robin let's are out a loud groan of pain. Then suddenly something grabs ahold of me yanking me back slamming in my body into the wall opposite of Robin I can feel pain course through my body and a horrible burning sensation along my back as I let out a similar sound as the groan Robin made. the burning sensation of pain coursing through my body was unbearable I could barely keep my eyes open as I had them squinted and as I did I saw a pair of amethyst eyes watching from the shadows. I felt confusion wash over me at suddenly I was engulfed in a light blue aura and quickly as I had it started the pain vanish I looked over to Robin Singh the same thing happening to him I felt pure confusion why the person who hurt us decided to remove the pain and how they even did it. Though for some reason I felt grateful that at least if they are going to steal something and hurt us at their we're going to fix some of the damage they caused which is pretty dumb to think since they were the one who slammed us into wall all and was stealing an ancient artifact in all but ehh. amethyst eyes in the shadows quickly vanished into the darkness and Robin shot up like a bullet good looking around trying to find who did it but sadly for us that person was already gone. after realizing that they were gone Robin abruptly walked out of the warehouse I followed after helping PSI some how old is circuit said repair themselves which I am extremely confused how that was possible but whatever he could walk that again so we walked out of the warehouse and star sat there with a confused look. She glanced up in and then softly spoke "the people did the healing I was unaware that humans heal this fast." I didn't respond to Star saying" umm star they don't." she suddenly looks even more confused and glanced at Robin and for some sort of explanation but he just coldly turned around muttering about how we need to work on our training. Later back at the t tower beastboys in bed: for some reason I keep seeing those amethyst eyes they seem so uncertain they almost seem too scared I'm not sure why they be the ones to hear it since they completely defeated us within a matter of seconds but for some reason I feel concerned like there's something behind in those like there's someone behind those eyes who needs help. I wonder if this is the last time we'll ever see that person or if this will become a regular occurrence or what they even look like all eyes ever saw was the rise in the black flash and and how old are Powers work I mean they heard us without even touching us with some sort of black energy and then what that blue stuff was that causes the heel they feel bad for whatever they did was it some sort of I am sorry. I wish they knew the answers to this but for some reason I really want to see that person again I don't know why there's just something about them as intriguing. like I could tell them anything and they just understand get the I seem so sad at the same time they look terrified as if they didn't want to do it I'm not sure who that person was but for some reason I want to get to know who those eyes belong to even if there were horrible person I don't know something about them I don't know what it is maybe I'm going crazy I probably need some sleep my earlier injuries are probably just getting to me. Though still I wonder if I'll ever see them again and for some reason I really want to.

So first chapter of my first story I suck at tying and it's hard to express emotions while typing them out for me so I used voice recording translating into words so expect a lot of runoff sentences not exactly the best punctuation and mostly just trying to get the thought of the story out he's saying they're typing going through all of it it changing it so I'm just going to wait to see your reaction in the comments to see if I messed up badly and certain things I should change know this is pretty short but I don't really know what else I should add to the first part since I want to kind of keep them as sections and I know this is not what I usually do or am I either post warrior cat or MLP art and or ice post rewrites of disneyfanatic2364 stories to share with you guys so this is my first time ever writing a story like myself so hopefully you guys see you next time sayonara 👋🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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