.~Ivys Dream~.

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     I was in my garden near the woods.The sun was shining, but it felt so dark. Willow, my  pet Fennedoe, was trembling beside me as the sound grew louder. The sound was unmistakable. We took off like bullets shot at the same time. Running as fast as we could so we wouldn't get caught. A wall of darkness was closing in, blocking the sun. All of a sudden, we were swallowed by the darkness, no light could be found. Where was Willow? Where was I? Then I heard a low growl growing all around me.

    "ACK!" I exclaimed. Willow was asleep at the foot of my bed, grumbling and growling in her sleep. So that was the growling I thought. It was all just a dream.

    Or was it. It had felt so real. The pounding of my feet, the beating of my heart, all of it. Real. I was running from something. Something horrible. But what? I wondered how I couldn't remember a creature that sent the prickles of goosebumps up my arms. That's when I noticed the goosebumps. Maybe some gardening will take my mind off of it.

    As I walked over to my dresser, Willow sat up and yawned. "Mornin' sleepyhead." I said to her. We had been best friends since I found her in the woods. We had so much in common. We both loved nature, we both are forest dwellers. We were both left behind. I don't know what happened to her family, but she was all by herself when we met. It was truly love at first sight.
    Ever since my father died, it was just me and Willow. I had never met my mother.

    I got dressed, grabbed my gardening tools, and climbed down the ladder. The air smelled like trees and rain. The trees towered over me like majestic, gentle giants. I kneeled down with my tools, carefully trimming, pulling, and tending. The wind blew my hair out of my face as I quietly hummed while I worked. But my dream haunted me. I couldn't get it out of my head. Just focus on the garden, I told myself. Focus on the garden.

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