Chapter 10: Luthor's New World Order

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Dates: March 20 2005-April 12 2005

It had been nearly two month since the first alien dissection. Lyra Strayd was already almost completely forgotten, so thoroughly was she wiped off the map. Her name was but a whisper in the back of everybody's mind, her tombstone was already forgotten in the graveyard and her body had been picked clean, nothing left of her except individual organs and body parts stored safely away in jars locked away in the backroom of a science lab. She had completely and utterly been erased from the world. There was literally nothing left of her.

In those two months that followed, hundreds of other aliens began following in her footsteps. Infernians, Almeracians, Maaldorians, and countless others suffered the same cruel fate, more and more of them going missing every single day. Raids on houses, bars, malls, streets and other public places became commonplace. It was not unusual to see some poor alien being captured and dragged away to a grisly demise by a bunch of dark-suited, faceless mooks with guns and nets, the Luthor name on their lips as they captured their prey.

One alien named Draaga was taken from a one-star, shutdown, old hotel run by a few Pro-Alien activists. They had taken the old shambling hotel in attempts to make it into a safe haven for aliens looking to hide. Unfortunately, Luthor and his henchmen found it. The hotel might've been easy to miss for most of the world, but for people actively searching for aliens to catch and kill, even a hotel as decrepit and unsightly as that one was captured and raided. A small slew of aliens was kidnapped off the streets the very next night, taken from a cabin just a few miles outside of Austin, Texas.

And how were these travesties allowed to continue? Lies. Lex lied his way into the hearts of every home in America, convincing them all that the aliens he captured were monsters, and criminals. He lied and said that every alien captured and brought in for dissection was a threat that had to be neutralized immediately, before it was too late. He was able to convince most of the country that the aliens he captured deserved what they had coming to them, and that his cruel fate of legalized dissection was a suitable punishment for their so-called "crimes", though what those crimes were exactly was never specified.

"Just know that they are invaders and threats! They must be stopped before they can harm our planet! We must save and protect Earth before it's too late and this is how we're gonna do it! They deserve this fate! They deserve to be put down! They are wild, reckless, heartless fiends who will only stop in their crusade against our planet if we stop them first!" and enough of America agreed with him that they allowed these attacks and raids to continue unhindered.

But even though America was complacent, willingly subjecting themselves to Lex's lies and tyranny, the rest of the world was not so content or quiet. Instead, as the months rolled on, other countries began to stop importing things to America. In attempt to protest the evil acts being committed against aliens, countries across the world broke ties and contact with America, leaving it as a truly isolated country that could only rely on itself for its own survival. There was no more trade, no more alliances, no more communication, nothing but radio silence from the rest of the globe. It wa a very deep and harsh sort of disownment.

It was then that Americans finally started to cry out against Lex's treatment of the aliens.

"Let them go! Leave them be! Say that we will do anything the rest of the world wants so long as we get our imports back!" the public cried as the economic crash finally began to sink in. With the subsequent withdraw from the rest of the world, America was finally feeling the crash and burn of its own selfish folly. Marvelous as the country was, it was not self-sustainable. Especially not when someone like Lex Luthor was in control of every resource in the country. He didn't care at all about his people, only himself and his petty desire for vengeance. He willingly squandered all of America's time and resources to further his own agenda, leaving the rest of the country in squalor.

But Lex, just like the rest of the world, was deaf to the troubles of the American people. Cry though they may, he refused to yield at all. Instead, he was indifferent to the suffering of the land. He kept his large, tight inner circle well controlled and well cared for. Theirs was the only submission he needed. Everyone else was excessive. He didn't need the entire country to flourish, just his little inner circle. And so long as they were happy, he was happy, and if they were well-cared for, they would easily be able to control the masses.

It didn't matter that Lex and all of his goons were vastly outnumbered by the rest of the country, because he had so much more power, control and resource than they did, they didn't stand a chance against him. He and his well-kept army were more than capable of handling small-scale rebellions coming from the desperate poor of the country. What did any of those mice think they could do against a lion? Lex's reign really was complete.

Lex smirked as yet another band of faithful yet witless protestors assembled outside the White House, waving their stupid little signs and screaming themselves breathless.

"You know, you think they would've learned by now that those stupid little signs do nothing to help their cause," Lex mused as he stared out the window at them, reveling in their hatred.

"Shall I take care of 'em, Mr. Luthor?" Otis cracked his knuckles with a hungry smile.

"No, not yet," Lex waved him off. "The fun has only just begun!" then he shot Eve a sly smile, which she returned. With a sunny little grin, she pushed a nearby button on the wall and right as Mozart's "Eine kleine Nachtmusik" began to blast over the intercom and nearby speakers that were set outside the White House. A second later, the protesters were either shot down or burnt up as an array of weaponry from the White House sprung to life, eliminating the protestors left and right to the beat of a beautiful old symphony.

"Wow!" Otis marveled and Lex gave him a smug smile.

"Isn't it?" he asked proudly as he and his VP surveyed the death, destruction and gore happily. Eve slowly sauntered over to Lex's other side. It was clear that she, unlike the other two, was a little more than displeased, disgusted and disheartened by the violence going on outside.

But when Lex reached over to squeeze her hand affectionately, her unhappy expression quickly changed back into one of awestruck, lovestruck giddiness. She even giggled as he gently kissed her knuckles. Although she was still only Ms. Teschmacher, she dreamed of the day when she would become Mrs. Luthor!

So while Eve giggled at Lex, Lex and Otis continued to watch with smiles as the front of the White House went down in flames, bodies and stupid old picket signs fueling the fire.

"Didn't I tell you those little old signs wouldn't do anything to further their cause?" Lex asked.

"You sure did, boss!" Otis guffawed. "It only furthered OUR cause!"

"Yes," Lex nodded cruelly. "Yes indeed it did." and the trio continued to watch happily as their world burned.

"Look out, Earth, a new world order has finally arrived..."

But while the rest of the country and world was in a volatile turmoil, Kara remained in quiet and stagnant despair.

"Even in its final moments, even as it took its dying breath, even as it went up in an inferno, Krypton was a thousand times safer than Earth," the young alien murmured despondently, unseeing as she stared out the window. She was sitting in the living room of her home, the TV off. In the kitchen, Eliza and Jeremiah were watching her worriedly, trying to think of some way to bring her some sort of comfort. Nothing came to them. Alex sat beside her, saying nothing as she caressed Kara's back. But even Alex's love, care and support was useless. Kara was just too broken and afraid to do more than stare. All those aliens. All those dissections. All the dead. And nothing was going to stop it. The Luthor's new world order was finally complete. The world had been completely and eternally changed by him, and he had accomplished all of his goals.

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