Chapter 13: Truth Will Out

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The next time Kara woke up, she was in a totally gray room, only one harsh light illuminating the area. It was poised right over her like a spotlight, hot and blinding. She blinked and flinched, trying to escape its fierce glare, but it was then that she realized she was totally immobile. And naked. And lying on her back. Strapped down. And weak. And paralyzed. Just like her nightmares!

Kara's eyes shot open at once, all weariness and discomfort gone in a flash, replaced by blind panic. She began to thrash and scream and cry, fighting against her steel shackles and accomplishing nothing except screaming herself hoarse and causing her throat to burn and her arms to bleed. Wait. Bleed? Kryptonians didn't-

"On Gold K, they do," a slick and sickly voice grinned, seeming to have read her mind. Even though Kara had been screaming at the time, sobbing, she still heard that voice and twisted her head around until she met two cruel eyes. Attached to them was a cruel and horrific face that had only ever haunted her dreams and TV screen until this moment. It was none other than-

"Lex Luthor!"

"Ah, ah, ah! That's "Mr. President" to you," he waggled a mocking finger in her face.

"No, no, NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" she began to thrash again, efforts redoubled as she ignored the blood gushing out of her wrists in order to keep on tugging at her restraints.

"Oh now really, Kara Danvers, I think you would've gotten through your head the first time that you cannot escape this prison anymore. Not now that all of your powers are gone," he singsonged as he held up a glowing golden syringe, but Kara was more distracted by the realization that he knew her name as opposed to the fact that was currently waving the power-sucking Golden Kryptonite in front of her.

"How did you know my-?" she began hoarsely, but before she could finish, Kara heard shoes clacking against the cold tile floor. She tilted her head and widened her mouth and eyes in horror.

"Lena Luthor?!"

"Sorry, not sorry," the younger Luthor singsonged sweetly as she stepped onto the scene, arms crossed and face smug. Lex looked pleased and proud as she walked closer to hover braggingly over Kara.

"How long?!" Kara managed to snarl through her terror and tears.

"Forever," Lena replied calmly. "But don't worry, it was nothing personal," she snickered, smirking a little as she said this, as though that reassurance would actually make Kara feel any better. If anything, it only made her feel worse. Not only had Lena just betrayed her, but she had also admitted that her entire friendship with Kara had been nothing but a lie. Then it hit Kara...

"Wait. YOU did this! YOU told them!" she hissed, thrashing once again against her binds, only this time, it was anger that fueled her actions and not panic. "HOW?!" she demanded. "HOW?! TELL ME!"

"Ok, ok, sheesh! No need to get your panties in a bunch!" Lena snickered, pretending to be disapproving of Kara's little outburst, then she explained...

Lena was a Luthor through and through, but Lex had been the only one to ever look upon her with any kindness at all. He had been the only one to truly appreciate what she had the capacity to do. Because of that, Lena loved Lex more than anything else in the entire universe. She adored him, and he doted upon her. In a mutualistic relationship, the brother-sister duo became an unstoppable force, and they spent their entire lives together, doing literally everything with each other. Every evil scheme Lex had ever created or completed had been aided in some way by Lena as well. As such, she became the true apple of his eye, and the true right-hand (wo)man in all of his major operations. This presidency gig was no exception.

Lex had intentionally made it seem as though he and Lena were not close. That way, while he worked on the anti-alien side of things, Lena could masquerade as an alien sympathizer and work on Lex's enemies' side. It was a perfect double-cross operation that worked every single time, allowing the Luthors to always be everywhere all at once, and completely in control of all sides to this game. While Lex took the home front, Lena traveled. But they were never far apart, and it had been Lex who asked Lena to go to Midvale in the first place.

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