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The thing that I've wanted from the very beginning was having her all to myself, she responded, I was trapped in an arranged marriage, from the day that she knew I liked her, she strike back not on me but to the girl I seriously loved, I thought she was gone, but she never stopped on fighting, Those days I thought we were peaceful, but I thought that Xing Yi was planning on something, something that Yue will left me behind and kill her from head to toe, and I applied it to her, she did not respond but she let a free world drag her down and I need to accompany her because I knew it would be the times she'd finally strike back and bring her down, like she usually planned on, so I followed her making sure she was alright, then I thought about proposing to her, because I realized that If she'd stick around with me, It would be my happiness and so I could protect her all day long. We then got married, lived the life of a couple and then this girl decided to pop out of nowhere telling me she's better and understood that me and Yue should be together not until she said that we should be the match, telling me I impregnate her, I really wanted to ignore it in the first place, but telling me in a sincere manner I believed her, I told Yue everything and she raged upon me saying that she shouldn't have chosen me in the first place, I've asked her did she really regret upon marrying me, she answered with sobs up on her face, "You know Di, that I didn't regret it upon marrying you, I realized that marrying you was the best thing I could ever done in my whole life, but that news making her pregnant, It flinched me to hate you." Those words shattered me into pieces and tried to convinced her to come back to me.

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