Trouble with Penny and Harriet!

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Soon, the train started to move. Daffy looked at the window, marveling everything that passed her," Wow! This is Soo nice!" She had exclaimed, while Janet laughed," My girl, the nicest view is the view of St Jane's. You will get to see it later!" Daffy grinned to herself, this is going to be Super fun!

Suddenly, a big tower came into the girls view.

"Look! Look! That's St Jane's!" Hilary squealed excitedly, as she thought of the things that were done in her term last year.

"I say, Hilary, that is superb! All four towers shown when the train comes nearer St Jane's!" Daffy shook Hilary, making Hilary giggle," Stop it, Daffy! Yes, what you said that it was correct!" Janet grinned to herself. St Jane's was the best! "I say, Janet! You're awfully tanned!" A girl with pale skin and blue eyes with her brown hair tied into a ponytail.

"Ginny! You look the same!" Janet cried when she saw Ginny. Janet introduced Ginny to Daffy as Ginny had been with Janet and her friends last year,"Daffy, this is Genevieve King but she prefer to be called Ginny. Ginny, this is Daphne Wish but most people call her Daffy. We're going to have sooo much fun with her!"
Ginny looked at Janet curiously,"why is that so?"

"My dear Ginny... Daffy likes playing the fool- and you know what it means? It means she's going play tricks! That's superb!" Janet squealed. Hilary noticed a girl that was sitting a few sits away from them, so she thought the girl was shy. She went up to her, and asked her,"Hello, my name is Hilary Witherspoon! What's your name?"

The girl scowled,"My name is Penny Watson. It's sooooooo nice for the great Hilary to introduce herself!" Hilary backed away, frowning. When she went back to where her seat was, she kept her frown on. Why is Penny so rude? Hilary kept thinking. Daffy saw her expression and nudged her. Hilary, too lost in her thoughts , did not notice Daffy nudging her. "Earth to Hilary! What happened to you!" Daffy asked the blank faced Hilary.

"Wh.. what? Oh, sorry. I was lost in my thought so I didn't hear you." Muttered a apologic Hilary, her face red, but she was still frowning."Old girl, what's up? You look so glum!" Daffy cheered Hilary up with her eyes twinkling."Oh. Daffy, listen. Do you think I am sooo great?" Hilary asked Daffy with her brows furrowed.

"No! You're way lesser than that! You have a good heart! What's wrong?" Daffy replied sympathically. "Daffy, just now I went to a girl-" Hilary started,but Daffy stopped her," Which girl?"

Hilary sighed," the girl with black hair and a beautiful bag, sitting a few seats behind Janet. Can you see her?" Daffy pointed to Penny, who was scowling out to the window. Hilary nodded,"Yup! That's her! She's called Penny Watson, and she said."

"My name is Penny Watson. It's soooo nice for the great Hilary to introduce herself!" Mimicked Hilary. Daffy frowned,"Penny need to be taken down a peg or two! Ignore her, Hilary. She's the type of girl- unlike Rachel, who's also rich as her, to show a spoilt type of attitude!"Come on, guys! Daffy! Hilary! We've reached St Jane's! I say, what's up?" Rachel shouted across from where she was standing.

"Oops! Come on, Daffy!"Hilary called, dragging her night case along. Daffy went after her, and when she alighted, she heard Penny Watson mutter under her breath,"Typical Daffy. She always think she's the best one. Everyone knows she's new but they yet treat her like she's been in their form last year!"

Once Daffy and Penny alighted the train, Daffy did not hesitate to confront Penny,"Come here, Penny Watson! I have got a good mind to hit you! What did you say just now? Repeat it again!" Penny went to Daffy, rolling her eyes," I said, typical Daffy. She always think she's the best one. Everyone knows she's new but yet they treat her like she's been in their form last year!"

St Janes:Daffy Wish's first termWhere stories live. Discover now