2-almost time(:

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------next day-----

well, today is thursday, tomorrow's friday so that means i only have today to say goodbyes and hangout with my friends until i leave for san antionio.

i pick up my phone and dial the first person that comes to mind:Kelsey, my best friend

K: Hey!! what's up??

Me: Nothin much today's my last day here in chicago, wanna do something.. just me and you??

k:jenny dont leave!! but sure what do you wanna do??

Me: haha i have no choice! but what about navy pier??

K:yea sounds like fun! i"ll come over in an hour cool?

Me: yea

and with that i hung up excited about the day(;

Kelsey came when she said she would and we left. we had so much fun i didnt want to leave but it was getting really late and i needed to get some sleep,we were leaving pretty early tomorrow.

i came home, took a shower and laid down in my bed trying not to fall asleep because i didnt want tomorrow to come:(

a text from Nathan helped me out

N:hey beautiful

i smiled and blushed(:

Me: hi(:

N:did you forget that i still love you?... i hope not! because i do(;

Me: nope(:

Me: im gonna go to bed now i'll text you when i land tomorrow cool?

N:alright goodnight sleeping beauty(:

i honestly don't know what kind of relationship we have together.. we're not dating... but it doesn't seem like we're just friends. And i'm starting to like him alot more.

That night it took a while to fall asleep because i kept thinking about nathan.. his light brown hair,The most beautiful, amazing,hazel eyes(: i had a thing for hazel eyes!! it's like i drool uncontrolably when i look into hazel eyes...They control me(;

i finally fell asleep still thinking about nathan, and i dreamt about him....

I dreamt we were at a carnival together, and there was this women telling peoples future so it was my turn and the women told me

"Through you're journey you will find someone better, who you will share never ending love with no regrets" with that i turned around and chris was gone and everyone else at the carnival left and then everything went black.


The next thing i saw was the morning light hitting my face directly on my right eye:/ i checked my clock to see what time it was, it was 5:30am....great i might as well get up now my alarm is set for 6:00.I got out of bed and dragged my feet across my room down the hall and into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth combed my hair and jumped in the shower.

i walked back to my room to pick out my outfit for the big day:/ i heard moving around downstairs, so i assumd my parents were awake. i just picked out my favorite grey sweats with a white vneck and my white jordans. we're flying yo texas so i wanted to be comfortable(:

I got a back pack with all the stuff i need for the plane ride and a change of clothes\ and walked downstairs to find my mom and dad getting their stuff ready in the living room.

mom: "goodmorning sweety"

me: "hey mom hey dad." i said in a 'im still mad at you for having to move' voice

dad: "hey goodmorning sweetheart im sorry if you're still mad at all of this"

me:"no im not idont hold grudges unlike somone(;" i flashed my mom and payful dirty look

mom:"whatt?? i cant help it!!"

we all laughed. after a few mintues, it was almost time to leave so i took one last look at y room to see if i got everything i needed and realized i forgot my phone under my pillow! i picked it up relieved i remembered it and i saw 3 texts from nathan(:

N: hey beautiful<3

N: Is it cool if i can see you're beautiful face one more time(:

i was confused. i heard the door bell ring and my heart started beating i read the last text and it said

N:im coming over before you leave i need to see you.

oh my god nathan.. i walked downstairs and told my parents it was a friend. they seemed concerned but brushed it off..

i opened the door.

me:"hi nathan.." i stepped outside and closed the door.

N:" hey jennifer" his smile was the cutest!

Me:nathan what are you doing her?"

n:i told you, i had to see you one last time and i wouldnt be able to live with myself if i didnt do this.."

and before i was able to say something he grabbed my waist and pulled me into him, and stared in my eyes for a couple seconds and then gave me the most passionate kiss i ever had.. of course i kissed back i enjoyed every second of it(:

we pulled back at the same time.

n:wow did you feel those..

me:feel what?

N:"those sparks..." he blushes(:


me:yea.(: yea i did

i hugged him and let him put his arms around my neck letting me tuck my face in his chest. i could feel his heart beating really fast and it made me laugh.

N:what are you laughing at? he said runnig his fingers through my hair.

me: i hear you're heart beating almost as fast as mine(:

n:He smiled so big and blushed as he kissed my forehead.

me: i pulled out of the hug and sat on the top step. "so vnow what.. i leave and we forget this ever happened?

N: his smile faded really fast. " i guess thats the only thing we can do"

me:"well im happy that it actually happened(:" i said and smiled as i kiss him on the cheek. when i pulled away, he grabbed the back of my neck and gave me another kiss, this time we bothe smiled int the middle of it(:

we pulled away at the same time.

N:well im gonna miss you and seeing you at school" he said in a sad voice

me: im gonna miss you too but you have to promise me we'll skype every now and then and text and maybe call(:"

N: okay i promise"

me: i need pictures of us(;" so we took one of use smiling, one with me kissing his cheek and one with him kissing my cheek, and one with us kissing(:

i set the one of us kissing as my phone wallpaper(:

he smiled and we hugged and i went back inside.

i watched him walk away out the windows.

my mom told me it was time to leave so we got our stuff together and i saw my uncle driv up to our house to drop us off at the airport we got to the airport, and we waited to board the plane, and then got on the plane. The ride was quick, i plugged in my headphones and fell asleep.

My Love&lt;3 ~Austin Mahone love storyWhere stories live. Discover now