a handsome biography

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(Flavor text) Ex: (Moxxi says "Fuck them all to death!")

Additional Info on Y/N HJ;:

Echo Eye w/ Hyperion Yellow Synth Arm. (Like Rhys has. But with more features~)(Need to hack something? Order something? A loader bot to make a bandit's day go bad? Feeling lonely on a Saturday night? Wanna make your women feel even better with your magic/jazz hands? This hand can do it all! And the eye gives ya info or some shit like that.)

(Primary weapon) The Conference Call (Orange Rarity- The most badass shotgun ever.)
5 projectiles per shot.
x3 damage
7 Magazine size
Periodically shoot 2 additional projectile
ignores shield
Has a switch that turns it from one element to any other.

Expendable Assets. (My face is just too pretty to get a bullet through. Solution? Use Holographic decoy shields that fight back!)

Peace Sniper (Rainbow Rarity. Tediore. Includes bayonet. Magazine size of 14. Superior scope. And a bong to smoke out of. (Make war or have peace. Be ready for both with this 2 in 1 gun)

My Shield (Rainbow Rarity. Insane amount of shielding and unleashes a multi-nova that deals slag, shocking, incendiary, corrosive, and cryo damage, then drops 2 shield regenerating pods and 2 health packs once depleted. This is a Original shield.) (A Great defense is a great annoyance to your enemies. Beneficial for you though.)

Jack's O2 Kit. (Rainbow Rarity. Original creation. Endless oxygen supply, Insane height with O2 jump and increased butt slam damage.) (Oxygen. Who knew right?)

Hero's Luck (Rainbow Rarity Relic. Original Relic. Luck is increased insanely high.) (One can never have too much good luck. Unless you are Claptrap. In which case, no good luck you, useless robot.)

Team: JLMG

Vault Hunters; Lilith, Maya, Gaige.


So you want to hear another story huh? One with a very fate of Pandora, Elpis and Remnant, hang in the balance? If not, too bad I'm telling you anyway.

Our story begins with a young man named Y/n. Better known as Handsome Jack.

The young man grew up trying to climb the ladder and eventually become the CEO of Hyperion. And he found himself climbing very fast. But on his journey to become the CEO of Hyperion, he found himself having a child with a young lady. The woman died giving birth to his daughter Angel, whom he later discovered was something called a "siren."

Handsome Jack later developed a machine that he would put his daughter in so she would not be able to hurt people with her alien powers. He didn't like it, but he didn't know how else to prevent her from hurting others by accident.

Eventually, Handsome Jack found himself stationed on Helios One, a space station that was placed over Pandora. He discovered that Atlas had many people inhabited the planet. (Insert events of the first game here. Because I have never actually played Borderlands 1. I'm sorry people. 😭 If Jack did any evil, just say he helped the vault hunters instead.)

Not long after Roland, Lilith, Brick and Mordecai opened the vault, killed the Destroyer, and unleashed tons of Eridium throughout the planet, his Handsomeness, then just a promotion away from being the CEO of Hyperion, hired 6 more Vault Hunters.

Athena, Wartrap, Nisha, Wilhelm, Doppelganger and Sir Hammerlock's Sister (I dont remember her name)

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