Ch. 9 Isabella

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"Ughh!"  13 hours into labor and it wasn't a great scene. Brie or Daniel couldn't make it because they had to watch their babies. So it's just me John and my dad.

"We're hoping to make this quick as possible..she doesn't like pain" Dad was right I cant even handle cramping.

"I bet you'll think twice about your actions!" My dad wasn't comforting at all,  He talked shit about me and John my whole labor.

I called Brie and Bryan to see what they were up to.

Brie: "Hello?"

Nikki: "You sound exhausted"

Brie: "Same to you whats going on is the baby here I wanna see my niece!"

Nikki: "I wanna see her too what are they doing?"

Brie: "Olivia's sleeping quietly while me and Bryan are having a hard time with Ava"

Nikki: "I can tell I hear her crying in the bac- Ahh shit!" Terrible pains started to come back and Nikki dropped the phone. "JOHN! WHATS GOING ON WHATS WRONG WITH NIKKI!" Brie still talked on the line while John tried to figure out why Nikki was in terrible pain.

"I-I-I dont know whats wrong!"

"Well call the doctor in!" John hung up calling the doctor. He came within seconds.

"I leave for 2 seconds and she's in pain!" My dad yelled at John making this all a disaster. "DAD STOP JUST GO DAMN!" I cried. I had to much to worry about at the time and he wasn't helping at all I dont know why I asked him to come. The nurses asked him to leave and surprisingly he did  but things got worse when the doctor told me.

"The baby's heart rate is dropping we got to perform an emergency c-section."

When I say I was scared. I started to cry hardest than I ever did before. I was alone I didn't have my mom by my side to tel me it was going to be ok, and my dad probably doesn't even want to see me or John ever again.

I kissed John one last time before they put me to sleep.


When I woke up I was facing a chunky pink baby girl named Isabella <3

Isabella Cher Cena

7lbs, 5 oz

December 19, 2013


Isabella guysss!! :D

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