16| His Feelings Are So Confusing

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Emily's Pov:

I was baking a chocolate cake, frosting it with cream before sprinkling chocolate chips over it. No, it wasn't for Lara's birthday. It was for me.

Surprise, surprise, it was my birthday too!

And I was not sad because he had a gift already planned out for her. It was because he forgot my birthday over hers. I sighed.

It wasn't the first time when he did that actually. When I first discovered that Lara and I share the same birthdate, I didn't really have any major problem with it, In fact, I was cool about it.

As for Edward, his happiness was evident from his words "Now I have my two beautiful girls booked over on one date called a birthday."

I poured wine in the glass, placing cake and other vegetables and fruits over the table. As it was only me, I prepared myself veggies to eat, because Edward called hours ago telling me not to wait for him and go to bed already. I was disappointed in him but said nothing.

I poked a fork in the salad before stuffing it in my mouth. My mouth was suddenly dry. I was craving for some freshness, something which would give me back my old self again, the one which didn't know to be an adult was so not easy.

I excused Miranda to go home for today as I wanted to be alone to sort out my thoughts which were in crazy havoc. About twenty minutes later, Mia came to wish me, giving me a birthday gift and a minute later Jake joined us, hugging me birthday, completely ignoring Mia.

Wait a minute. Did they have a fight again? Like, again?

I sighed. They are never gonna grow up, not even when they would have kids to pet! I kicked myself mentally before looking back at them again. Hell, at least look at each other!

It was almost fifteen minutes of awkward silence when I decided to step in.

"So ladies and gentlemen here, how is everything going on?" I shouted cheerfully at them, picking up my glass of wine as a toast.

No response.

I looked at Mia, quirking my eyebrows asking for an explanation before turning towards Jake who was staring at his wine glass so interestingly that for a minute I thought he would end up kissing it!

"I think we better cut the cake," I yelled, my excitement making them look up at me.

At least they have eyes left with them! I thought they had lost much more along with their fucking brains!

We cut the cake, Mia and Jake hugging me together, only to step back immediately, turning their heads away! I merely stared at them, my mind killing both off each time with different methods.

"Hey guys, are you still at it, now? Like seriously, we are all in our twenties for God's sake! Grow some balls already," I said raising my palm up at them, earning glares from both of them.

Mia frowned. "We're all grown-"

"Yes, she is all mature Emily, don't you see she is already getting married so don't you even say the shit to her," Jake said, his arms folded into a genius manner. I quickly looked at Mia who was burning flames at his comment.

Man, we're getting a big fight here. I have a feeling that I am going to have to act as a referee again!

"So what? I am not immature like you! I can decide for myself-"

"Oh, really? Then congratulations and thanks a lot. You freed me of such responsibility of watching you over-

"I never wanted you to-"

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