Experiencing the nightmare

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        "Why would you bring me here?" She asked growling. "What did we just talk about. Rex do it again!" Buck snarled. Rex did it again and she yelped. "Stop for right now Rex!" Barked Buck. Rex stopped and continued to walk with Buck. Lucky didn't want to go in there but they made her. The people were waiting. One of the person grabbed Callie and threw her into a breeding cage. She yelped and laid on her side. One of the people tried to grab Lucky but she backed up a bit and snarled. "This one hates humans fellas. Watch out for this one guys." The guy said. Buck snarled and  looked at Lucky. "You better trust humans or i will hurt you!" Buck barked. Lucky didn't know what to do so she just looked down. The person had a catch pole so he put it around her neck and put her in a cage beside Callie. Lucky laid down and whimpered. "Hey mutt I'm watching you!" Buck snarled. Lucky closed her eyes and hoped that this was just a big huge dream. "I hope you know this is not a big huge dream." Callie whimpered. "I was hoping it was." Lucky whimpered. "Well it's not so try and enjoy yourself here." Callie said dumbly. "How can I when I'm forced to be here." Lucky said. "I don't know just act like you do." Callie said and fell asleep. Rex walked to Buck and asked "What is she going to be a bait dog or a fighter?" "Are you kidding me a bait dog. Like she likes fighting." Buck laughed. "Ok do you want me to prepare for tomorrow?" Rex asked watching Lucky. "Yes go prepare for tomorrow." Buck said as he saw Lucky go to sleep. "Ok sir." Rex said and walked away getting prepared for tomorrow.


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