"Today is the last day of my senior year: no more getting shoved into lockers, slut shamed, pinched, smacked across the head, yelled at, etc. After today...I will leave to go live with Dad and never come back to this shit hole of a town." I say to myself as I walk through the doors of Westerville High.

I walk to my locker, praying that I don't run into him. The halls are filled with students either standing and conversing amongst themselves or walking to their classes.

"Hey Mia!" a voice yells from behind me, Just as I make it to my locker. I nearly have a heart attack.

"Hey Aspen, What's up?" I say with a smile that doesn't reach my eyes. Aspen is one of the few people that don't harass me in here. She's a very happy person as well as very religious.

"Super excited it's the last day! I heard Jason is throwing a party at his house! You should come!" She squeals, I make sure I'm facing my locker so she doesn't see my enormous eye roll.

"Can't...I need to finish packing, I'm moving to LA the day after tomorrow."

"No way! I love LA! Which school are you going to?"

"Got accepted into USC."

"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you Mia...I'll pray everything goes just the way you want it to."

"You don't have to, but thanks." I smile.

She surprises me by giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek. I'm so shocked that I stay staring at her as she walks away.

"I always knew you and Aspen had a thing." A deep voice says from behind me.

Almost immediately, my heart begins to race, my hands start to sweat and I don't need a mirror to see that my face is as white as paper. The person who torments me the most in this entire Hell hole is right behind me.

"I'm moving to LA..." I blurt. Why did I even say that?

"Are you taking Aspen with you?"

"I don't like her like that, I'm straight." I say. He laughs and slams my locker shut. I'm already used to that sound so it doesn't faze me one bit.

"How will I make your life a living Hell when you're so far away?" He says. His breath, that reeks of cigarette, fans against my face.

"I guess you'll have to find something better to do with your life." I say and look away from his piercing blue eyes.

"I'm happy you're leaving...I don't think I've ever hated someone so much in my entire life." He says while staring into my eyes.

What did I do to him?

"Likewise." I gulp and stare back into his eyes. I want to yell at him and wish him the worst in life. I want to hit him and make him feel everything he made me feel for the past four years.

But I can't...I'm terrified of him. His height towers over mine by a lot. His tattoos, piercings, and black clothing could easily intimidate anyone. What has to be the most frightening is the stone cold look on his face. His stare alone could send chills down your spine. His eyes lack emotion. He has no sympathy for anyone and absolutely no love...Not even for himself.

"I hope I'll never see you again, Mia Goodrich."

"I hope I'll never see you again, Andrew Biersack."

And just like that he walks away. Leaving me confused, but relieved at the same time. That fact that I never have to see him again makes me so happy.

My vision begins to blur from the tears gathering in my eyes. That was it! That was my last encounter with that monster. I will no longer be his punching bag. I will never again see his death stare that made me feel so much fear.

The day goes by extremely fast. Just as the last bell rings, I run out of the school and make my way home.

With Ariana Grande's voice blasting through my speaker I finish packing my belongings.

"Hey, Mia." My mom says then sits on my bed.

I turn the music down "Hey, mom."

"I'm gonna miss you so much...but I'm happy you're going to the same University I went to." She says, her eyes begin to water.

"I will try to facetime everyday." I groan after planting a kiss on her forehead.

"Twice everyday?" She says and I roll my eyes.

"How's your Dad doing?" She asks, I quickly turn around and raise a brow.


"No reason! Geez, just curious." she yells with her hands in the air.

My parents met in Cali at USC. He was majoring in music production while mom was majoring in nursing. After they graduated they got a place together and had me. Things started to spiral in the wrong direction; Dad would not come home for days straight and mom was always on call because she was everyone's favorite nurse. All I know is that they got in a huge fight, then got a divorce and moved as far away from each other as possible.

So it surprises me that she's asking about him...

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