Chapter 2

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As soon as they stepped off the plane the air was mugy with the scent of something familiar, blood, the Moroi lived off it. Blood wasn't the main source of their diet but it was a major part of it. Rose was looking around at everything. She was thinking of the time she got Lissa elected queen and was finally able to be with Dimitri. A hand on her shoulder drew her out of her daze. It was Lissa, her best friend. "Rose, didn't you hear us?" She looked around "No, sorry. Where's Dimitri?" Lissa sighed "He gave you a goodbye kiss. He went with Christian. They're planning some kind of romantic double date thing." Lissa smiled and Rose couldn't help but smile back. A double date, isn't that what normal best friends do together, Rose thought. She smiled at Lisaa "Shouldn't we be doing royal stuff?" Rose asked. Lissa laughed "Even a queen needs a break". Rose and Lissa walked around court and stopped at a high end clothing shop to look. Rose was looking at some dresses on one of the racks when a glint of familiar blonde hair caught her eye. "Sydney? Is that you?" she asked walking over to the girl with the golden lily tattoo. The other girl looked up "Rose!" Sydney said while giving her a hug. "I didn't think you would be back yet. Adrian and I were just buying a new dress for our date tonight. If you want to say hi to him I think he's over...." she broke off "Hmm...he was just over there. I wonder where he went." Rose laughed "I think I know where your husband is." Sydney looked at her with surprise "Where?" Rose leaned over to whisper in the other girl's ear "Dimitri and Christian were planning something special tonight. I bet Adrian is a part of it with them." Sydney smiled "That's sweet of the boys!" Rose and Sydney went to find Lissa and the three of them bought their dress. Rose with a simple black dress that showed her curves and stopped at the knees, Lissa with a light purple dress that flowed out at the hips ending just at the ankles, and Sydney with a red one strap dress that ended right below her knees that with a gold strap. The girls all smiled at each other and went to Lissa's room to change. Once that was done Lissa curled her hair, Sydney left her's down, and Rose put her's up in a bun. "Are you two ready to go?" asked Rose. The other girls nodded and they all walked downstairs.

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