Chapter 4

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The girls were surprised that the date went so well. They had come for the girls around 5:00pm and walked them to the most expensive restaurant in all of court. It was a large restaurant with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The crystal glasses were made from real crystal and the silver was real as well. The walls were a smooth wooden brown and lavish red carpet covered the floor. Rose walked next to Dimitri with her hand in his. "Are you sure that you can afford this on a guardian's salary?" Dimitri looked away for a moment before turning back to her "It took a while to save but anything for you, Roza." He kissed her cheek, it was sweet but brief. Dimitri and Christian pulled out chairs for their girlfriend's and Adrian pulled out a chair for his wife. "This is lovely. Even I don't come to this place and I'm the Queen." Lissa said with a gentle smile. "Well, I think I can speak for all the gentlemen at this table in saying that we love each of you. Two as friends and the other. .." Adrian gave a wink at Sydney and continued "as the most precious person on earth and that you don't leave." Out of the corner of her eye Rose saw Sydney smile and give Adrian's hand a small squeeze." The six of them ate dinner together chatting about past events and each guy sharing why he fell in love with the girl he was madly in love with. Once dinner was finished and the boys split the check and payed for everything they took the girls to the park. Each guy took their girl a separate way.

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