Another Day || Niomi

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I get up at seventeen, on the dot. I would lie in but I'd just panic about being late even though I have half an hour till I leave. I have a shower and check my Twitter. I do my hair in a bun, putting on foundation, mascara and come eye liner.

I can't say I'm a big fan at getting up. But I would find it weird not to. Call me a geek, I don't care. Well I do. Yeah.

I wish Izzy would stop though. She's been on me about needing a man and I don't. Sure, I'd love a boyfriend, a first kiss and stuff but if no one likes me, okay. There are a few boys, but I know they will only date me if I was the last girl in the world. So that's unlikely. Unless we under populate.

I go downstairs to the kitchen. I'm in sixth form, thank god all them GSCEs are over. I got all A*. I make breakfast, yogurt and fruit. Of course.

I put my shoes on and make my way to school. I would wait for Izzy but she's ill today so it's just me. Yay. I love being alone.

I make a smoothie (green stuff) and go to school. Long day.


Of course Soph the queen of mean hassles me and tells me I suck and no guy would go near me. And that I look disgusting. Thanks Soph.

You may think I don't seem like a care about much right now. Which is true. I've done y tests, and now I'm just a sixth form girl. I don't have much excitement. But tests weren't fun. Oh I don't know.

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