Chapter 11

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A grown man. Hiding in a cupboard. An utterly silly idea - until this very moment. Link tugged at the annoyingly disobedient piece of metal as footsteps gained in pace and volume. It was no use.
Rhett's wife now stood at the doorstep. She took a few deep breaths, her face white. She appeared faint from the sudden outburst. She closed her eyes and rested an arm on the door frame, composing herself. The two men watched with helpless sympathy. Eye bags bulged under her eyes. Her skin was blanketed in a sweaty sheen. Her dark hair covered her face.
She did not answer. With her head hung, she opened her eyes. They refused to lock with her husband's -
She slipped the sleek silver-plated diamond ring off her ring finger.
Ex husband's.
The ring clinked on the hardwood. Like a bell - wedding bells. A sound the duo remembered - and secretly wanted to relive. But the happy occasion would be the exact opposite of the unfolding scene in the white doorway.
"I'm sorry, Rhett. I knew. I just... didn't say anything. I just clung on to some strange, nonexistent hope. Useless. Just useless. I should've known. Goodbye. Take the house. I'll leave tomorrow with the kids."
Then she broke into an ugly sob and turned away, a picture of defeat adorned with a hint of regret. A broken woman. Her tousled black hair fluttered in the slight breeze coming through the window, hiding her face. She had doubled over, too weak to walk straight. But who cared about walking straight? The man she loved wasn't.
But she knew he'd be happy. She'd known him for years. This was best for him. She was a mere sacrificial goat to his happiness now, but she preferred not to see the man she still loved in pain.
Rhett ran after her. She put a commanding hand behind her upon hearing the heavy footsteps. Stop. Rhett obviously knew what the simple sign meant, but he wished he didn't. He wished he didn't know anything. He wish he didn't know love. Love had swung handcuffs around his wrists then thrown him in passionate fire, then left him in the gloom of an icy tundra, then threw boulders at him. Love had him subject to enough torture for a lifetime, much less a week. Love had locked him on a roller coaster and he was far too high to disembark without certain death. He dropped to his knees. His bandage at least cushioned his fall. And there he slept until the next morning.
When he woke up, the house seemed cold and empty despite the shining sun. Furniture appeared ransacked. The grass outside had been trampled. But a warmth emanated from a nearby body. He turned to find a mass of black hair next to him. It was like any other day, waking up to see his wife's hair flowing over the contour of the pillow. Except today he'd awoken to his-

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