Chapter 2

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I couldn't believe it. One minute Kyeal is drinking alchohol and the next he's on drugs.
"What the heck is this? You've been taking cocaine without any of us knowing?!" I shouted.
  "I told you it was never your business to look back there!" He shouted back.
    "Kyeal how rebellious can you be? After all our family been through, after all the hard work to get you in school, you just gonna throw that gift away!"
    "It's not your business. And you can't tell me what I can or can not do with what I have. Go tell momma and daddy for all I care! Once school's out and tests are done I am leaving New York for good." Kyeal spoke.
  I was speechless. Kyeal literally just said that? I don't know why I should be surprised. Kyeal hasn't gotten an A or a B since the 8th grade. All I probably know is that he was leaving New York.
  I glared at him and swiftly walked away. I didn't have time for arguing with that moron. I had an hour left until I should be headed to school. The bus stop wasn't too much trouble to get on. Only 5$ for a bus ticket should be good enough.
   Starbucks is the only place in the world, for me, to forget all my troubles. The sweet smell of coffee being served and the cold diner area, making it a great environment to study.
"Hello Exodus how are you this morning?" I turned around and saw Christina sitting in a red booth. She's black too, considering we go to an all negro school, and is probably the best person at Step.
  "Christina! Hey, girl how you've been?" I ask.
  "Nothin' much. Just decided to come here and do some remaining studying for the exams. Care to join the studying with me?" She included.
  "I don't see why not." I sit down in the booth and grab my binders and take out my notes. The mechanical pencil I brought only had a little bit of led left in it. It should last 'till the end of the exams.
   "I see you got your weaves out." I venture out.
    "Oh yes, finally. Those weaves were like twisting my hair off my head." She implied.
     "Yea they do that. That's why I don't get them that much. Anyway, how is Step?" I countered.
    "Step is brilliant. Couch Iris is gonna teach us the last few steps. She told us that we have a compition on the 31st of May. I've been practicing nonstop, if you ask me." She explained. "You know, Exodus, Step tryouts are next week. You would be so good at doing it and we would be in it together."
   "I don't know Christina. I have so much going on. Studying for exams, especially. I dont think I could make it." I replied
   "Omg, Exodus! YOU NEED A BREAK FROM STUDYING! Do something fun for once in your life. That's what step is. It helps you erase all your troubles and saddness and makes you think of the hope we have in life." She recalled.
    It took a minute for me to think about this. Should I tryout for the Step team? It would be a big commitment. Maybe I should get to know some of the people at school.
   "Ok, ok you convinced me. I'll go as long as momma and daddy say I go."
   "Yes I knew you would crack eventually. Here." Christina handed me a flyer. It had the current Step team on it.
Join the Step team Now!! Tryouts are May 31st immediately after school. There is no proper attire and all you need is hope:)
And written below the note was,

This is an opportunity for me to show myself. Christina was right. I do have talent and I should show it.

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