CH 1: Into the GATE

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N: As Israel is in a Pelican flying towards Japan an ONI employee comes near him and hands a tablet.

Employee: Here spartan, this is a statement from the Minister of Japan and the leader in charge of UNSC force stationed there.

N: Israel nods his head and grabs the tablet and the employee disappears into the cockpit. Then as he looks at the screen he presses play and listens to the minister.

Minister Hojo: This region is not on a map, it is truly a great unknown to us, we have no idea what anything is like there neither the land nor the people. Never the less, we must learn what we can during the incident we captured several of the perpetrators, for now, we charged these individuals with breaking the law as we would do with any criminal or terrorist operator. It seems destroying the opening is not the answer for all we know there's a possibility of a gate opening somewhere else, so, for now, we are going to treat this special region as if it were apart of Japan its self. We and the UNSC will make an effort to learn as much as we can from the other side, we must get the members of their government who brought the fight to our soil, to sit at the negotiation table with us and even tho there is great risk in this undertaking the UNSC is determined to search the area arrest the person who mastered minded this invasion and demand compensation for the damages. Therefore we are authorizing the deployment of the UNSC to the other side.

N: Israel then shuts off the tablet and then the Pelican cockpit opens up.

Pilot: Spartan, we've arrived at our destination your clear to go.

Israel: Affirmative.

N: He walks over to the door and walks out of the Pelican and as he walks towards a large dome structure the ship takes off. When he gets near he spots a memorial to those who lost their lives during the invasion and he walks over to it and clasps his hands together and says a little prayer before continuing his walk towards the dome he gets in the front of the line of the Marines and waits. A couple of minutes later the General of this unit comes to deliver a speech.

General: I am Lieutenant General Hazama, several missions have scouted the region for the last four weeks, so far all of them have returned safely but we still don't know what we're facing, therefore, I suggest you all get ready for the possibility of being in a firefight the moment you reach the other side. Lastly, ONI has sent us a Spartan to accompany us on our mission he will assist in commanding operation now let's move out!

N: Then a couple of minutes later everyone is in vehicles getting ready to depart with Scorpions up front and Warthogs and Cougars in the back.

Scorpion Lead Operator: Kick the tires and light the fire people, stay bunched up and watch your vision blocks as if your life depends on it now let's move out!

N: As the convoy moves through the gates all the vehicles activate their headlights and inside a Cougar APC Israel sits near the back door silent with his head slightly down. Every marine in the vehicle just gives him looks of awe like the spartan was some kind of god. Then one of the marines has the guts to speak out to the spartan.

Marine: Hey you got a sec?

N: The spartan than lifts his head and looks at the marine.

Israel: Hmm?

Marine: I hear there are catgirls and stuff over there, you think that's true?

N: Israel chuckles under his helmet.

Israel: Hell, why won't there be.

N: As the convoy reaches the other side the Scorpions take the lead and make a defensive line around the Cougars and Warthogs. When everyone gets in position the lead tank operator looks through around with his scope while his gunner covered him. Then as he analyses the landscape he sees torches in the distance then he reaches for his radio and calls for the others.

Lead Tank Operator: We got contact!

N: Once the message gets to Israel he grabs his Assault Rifle and switches off the safety.

Israel: Alright marines, let's move out!

N: The Cougars back doors open and the spartan walks out while the marines run past him and towards the Scorpions. As Israel climbs onto the lead Scorpion he taps on the hatch the operator pops his up to face the spartan.

Israel: Status?

Lead Tank Operator: The enemy is slowly advancing towards our position by what we can tell at least 15,000 strong.

Israel: Alright, have the Scorpions move up and allow the Warthogs some room so they can weaken their front lines and let the marines follow behind the tanks for cover just in case those bastards start shooting arrows, got it?

Lead Tank Operator: Yes sir!

Israel: Give them hell.

N: He jumps off the Scorpion and as Operator delivers the orders to the rest of the unit Israel walks back towards some marine engineers with tools and supplies.

Israel: Engineers, set up a base of operations the General will be arriving shortly and I want everything prepared by then.

Engineers: Yes sir!

N: They begin to unpack and Israel walks over to a large boulder and jumps on it as he gets to its highest point he watches as the Warthogs start ramming into their front lines with their gunners shooting round after round into the enemy soldiers. As the Warthogs pull away the Scorpions begin to rain hell on the rest of the army scattering their bodies around the battlefield with the sheer force of their mighty shells. Once the smoke clears the enemy army has been completely decimated and the marines begin to search the field for any survivors.

Israel: I wonder did they really think they're going to win with just sticks and rocks?

-End of Chapter-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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