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I hadn't seen the boys in a couple of days, they have been busy writing and other stuff while I have been working on my photography. But we have been texting and Daniel and I have FaceTimed a few times. Today I don't have any classes or internship so I'm going out to take pictures around the city. But first, coffee. Once I grabbed all of my stuff I headed out to a nearby Starbucks. I went in and ordered my signature drink (a/n: idk whatever y'all get at Starbucks I guess).
"Y/n?" The Starbuck's barista said out to the crowd of people all waiting for their drinks.
I walked towards her and she handed me my drink, "thank you." I said and she nodded towards me before turning back to the other drinks.
I began to walk out the door when I bumped into someone's shoulder, I look up to see who it was.
"I'm sorr-" I started to apologize as I made eye contact with the person I bumped into, but I stopped. It was the man.
He gave me a devilish smirk, "no problem, beautiful."
A shiver went down my spine. No, no, no, no. He can't be here, it can't be him.
We both just stood in the doorway.
"I gotta go now beautiful, but remember I'll see you soon." He said, walking into the Starbucks.
I stood there in shock, in fear, before I had to move so that another person could walk in. I took a few steps before turning my head and looking inside of Starbucks through the big window in the front. The man was staring back at me, with his evil eyes, his evil smirk. I quickly put my head down and sped up my walk, afraid that if I stayed their longer he would find me and follow me again. I got around the building and stopped at the side of it, leaning against the wall. I didn't notice before but I was shaking. A single tear rolled down my face, I quickly wiped it away before grabbing my phone out of my bag and opening it. I found Daniel's contact and called him. I didn't want to bother him but I needed him right now.
"Hey y/n." I heard on the other end of the line, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"D-Daniel." I said, my voice shaky.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Daniel said, worry evident in his voice.
"I- I saw him. He's here." I said.
"Who's there?" He asked.
"Him." I said, I didn't even know his name, but hearing the pronoun again was enough for Daniel to understand who I was talking about.
"Y/n are you sure it was him? You could just be hallucinating like before." Daniel said.
"No I swear it was him." I said, tears were running down my face now.
"Where are you?" He asked.
"Outside the Starbucks near my house." I said.
"Okay, just stay there. I'm coming to get you." Daniel said, I could here him shut his car door.
"O-okay." I stuttered.
"Hold on y/n, I'll be there soon." He said.
I didn't even say anything because I looked up and I could see the man staring at me from across the street, drink in hand. He flashed me a smile and winked. I breathed in heavily and held my breathe.
He mouthed, "soon" to me before turning and walking down the street.
"Y/n? Y/n are you okay?" Daniel asked. I totally forgot he was still on the phone.
"Ye-yeah, I'm okay." I said, letting out the breathe I was holding in.
"Okay I'll be there in a second." Daniel said before hanging up.
I leaned my head against the wall, closing my eyes. I heard a car pull up in front of me and my head snapped back down, I opened my eyes and I saw Daniel jump out of the car, running towards me.
"Y/n oh my god. Are you okay?" He said pulling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and slumped down into his body, leaning all my weight on him, I started sobbing.
"It's okay, I got you. I got you." He whispered into my ear.
We stayed there for a few minutes, him just holding me, rocking me back and forth while rubbing my back. Eventually I pulled away and looked at him. He put his hand up to my face and wiped away some stray tears before giving me a comforting smile and turning to grab the door for me. He opened the car door and I got in the passengers seat, he closed the door behind me and ran over to the other side of the car and got in the drivers seat. We drove in silence, not an awkward silence a comfortable one, Daniel had his hand on mine as he drove. Once we pulled up to the boys house Daniel turned and looked at me.
"Do they know?" I asked still looking out the window.
"Well I rushed out of the house so I would assume so." Daniel said. "It's the boys, you'll be okay."
I looked at him and smiled, "I know."
Daniel turned to get out of the car.
"Daniel?" I asked.
He turned around and looked at me, "yeah?" He asked.
"Thank you." I said, smiling at him.
"Of course. 'I'm always here for you." He said, holding onto my hands. Then he got out of the car, opening the door for me to get out as well. We walked up to the front door and Daniel unlocked it, we stepped inside.
"Guys? We're here." Daniel called out.
Immediately after he said that there were pounding footsteps coming towards us. The boys ran into the room and looked at us. I must have looked like a mess because a look of worry and sadness crossed all the boys faces.
"Oh my god, y/n." Corbyn whispered coming towards me and wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped mine around him and he squeezed me tightly.
"Are you okay?" Zach asked me.
Tears welled in my eyes again as he pulled me into a hug. After Zach hugged me then came Jack.
"What happened?" Jonah asked me as I pulled away from Jack's hug. He looked from me to Daniel and then back to me.
"I'll explain, but can we sit down somewhere?" I asked.
They all nodded and we moved into the living room. I sat down slowly on the couch, Daniel was next to me while the other boys were spread out around the room. They all looked at me and I looked at Daniel for a second, he smiled at me. I turned my head and looked down at my feet.
"I was at Starbucks getting my morning coffee before I went out to take some pictures. And as I was leaving I bumped into someone. I turned to say sorry but when I looked at who it was I saw the guy from that night. And at first I didn't believe it was him but then he started talking I knew it was him and not just my imagination." I explained to the boys, periodically looking at each of them.
"What did he say to you?" Corbyn asked.
"He kept calling me beautiful and said that he had to go but to remember that I would be seeing him soon."
"That bastard." Jonah said.
"He kept staring at me and smirking, I knew that this time it wasn't just my mind playing tricks on me like before. And when I called Daniel, he stood there across the street smirking at me. He knew that there were too many witnesses to take me then. So he winked at me and mouthed 'soon'."
"I'm going to kill this man." Zach said.
"Y/n, we aren't going to let anything bad happen to you." Daniel said, rubbing my back. The rest of the boys nodded.
I sighed, "I know. And thank you all for being here, I feel like such a burden."
"You are not a burden." Jack said.
I smiled at him and the rest of the boys. What would I do without them?


Word count; 1383

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