02 - meets and swims

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as joan walked towards her house alone as usual....she felt uneasy and anxious , as if something was not rigjt..... then.....

she saw something.

what seemed to be a mysterious...dark figure just at the corner.... holding a balloon, again.

it was a man.

a man with pale skin , red lipstick, freaky hair and a red balloon.

he was a clown.

as she blinked and panicked,

it closer

and closer

and closer

and closer


she screamed, she screamed at the top of her lungs, a hideous scream full of fear and desperation.... and suddenly it vanished.....

neighbours looked at her as if she had gotten mad, whispering awful remarks and cursing at the damned girl for interrupting their slumber of some sort.

while hearing whisper and chants, curses and such, she stunbled upon a boy , specifically a boy named bill denbrough.

by then, she had felt annoyed of this boy, constantly trying to make her participate in their little group and made her join the group.sometimes she thinks that he does it to maybe brighten things up after the incident.

although she not  understand well of it, it would be foolish to not hear of the news of his brother goerge denbrough, went missing.

indeed he did, and not only him....a list of people, specifially children had gone missing after he did. the citizens of derry was curious and mad as to what may have caused it, but fear they have, know they not. not then.

she understood very well how he felt, alone and desperate, just like she did when her mother, left her and her dad for a new , older,richer husband.

she simply left with clothes that showed barely any fabric, a heavy load of makeup with her new ... husband mr. richardson whatever he is... he sure got her mother good.

a gold digging whore she is.

she never saw her mother ever again since then, she was 9 at the time and she cried for hours not being able to talk with her "sweet mummy" again.

but there she stood, with bill denbrough, face to face, a person who would probably know who she felt, or even worse.



"so, uh, joan, i-i-i was wondering, i-if y-y-you wanted to you k-know g-go to the quarry w-with us t-tomorrow? the-there is this new kid, h-his name is b-b-b-ben h-hansom, he i-is new and we found him bleeding and-"

"i'll go."

"oh,u-uh cool. m-make sure to be there a-at 12."

joan simply nodded and went back home.

she did not realise it, but for the first time in 3 years, she had felt excitement again.

the sunlight beamed at her face brightly. it had been the morning of the day where she would be with the losers club again.

little did she know something unexpected would happen that very day.

rushing,  she combed her hair and picked out an outfit. no,not just any outfit. she had to find a bathing suit.

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