Chapter 1: Introduction

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I yawn, sitting up. I look around. Kiki is no where to be found. I blink twice.

"Why isn't he in bed?" I ask myself. I stand up, getting ready for school.

The uniform is a little tight around my chest, but I don't mind. I grab my backpack, walking into the kitchen.

Mom blows up on me.

"Katsuki left an hour ago! Why are you still here?!" She yells. I look into her eyes. She relaxes.

"I'm not late, Kiki just left very early." I explain, calmly. She smiles softly.

"Ok, sweetie. Just... be careful." She explains. I smile, walking out the front door.

Then, I quickly start running.

"I'm so late!" I yell, shooting down the sidewalk. I jump out of the way of many people.

I arrive at the big school. I smile, remembering the entrance exams.

Kiki was in first, I was in fourth. Kiki is so cool. I wish I was as cool as him.

I run through the halls.

1A, 1A, where is 1A?! There it is.

I meekly approach the door. Another kid stops running beside me. I look over at him.

His hair is green and he has freckles on his face. I smile at him. He looks up at me.

"Is this Class 1A?" He asks. I shrug.

"I th-think so."

Next thing I know, the door swings open. The boy stands right in front of me. He sweatdrops.

I quietly walk over to my seat, avoiding any attention. I look around the classroom. Most of the seats are full with students.

"Where's the teacher?" I hear someone ask.

"Right here." A voice calls from by the door. I jump, surprised.

"Put these on and meet me outside." He orders in monotone. I nod.


"What?! A quirk assessment test?"

"But, what about Orientation?" A cute little girl asks.

"You'll soon learn that there are things more important here than pointless ceremonies. Here at UA, we do not follow a certain tradition. That means I get to run my class however I see fit." He starts.

"You have been taking standardized tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your quirk in a physical test. The world still tries to pretend that were all equal by not letting those with the most power excel. It's not that rational. One day the administry will learn."

He turns to Kiki.

"Bakugou. You managed to get the highest score in entrance exam. How far was your farthest softball throw in grade school?" The teacher asks.

"Sixty seven meters, I think." He answers.

"Okay, so try to do it with your quirk." The Sensei orders. Kiki walks into the circle. "Anything goes just stay in the circle."

He's going to use a little fire to boost his attack and drop their jaws.

I smile, excited for my brother. He throws the ball.

705.2 meters.

Everyone is shocked. I nod, smiling softly. Kiki walks over and stands next to me.

"You all think this fun and games, huh? Today, you will compete in eight tests of power using your quirks. The person in last place will be expelled." Aizowa explains.

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