Chapter one: Lost loves-POV:Hermione

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Disclaimers: Don't own

Warning:It starts off awfully depressing, but it'll be more interesting once the trio go back in time

Chapter one: Lost loves-POV:Hermione

Hermione had been in this room for two months, five days, seven hours and fifty five minutes to be exact. Voldemort had been defeated at a great price- a price that Hermione couldn't afford. Ron, her fiancé had died alongside her best friend, Harry. She had no one in the world. Her parents had been killed, they were sought for and killed by the handful of remaining death eaters that were hungry for revenge. The only reason she was still alive was because Luna, who wasn't so close to her before the second war, had taken care of her, forcing her to eat and drink. She had no reason to live.

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