Riot Biersack -Andys daughter

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As I walked past a man I stole his wallet , looking in side of it I found a lump sum of money and quickly pocketed it .I looked around me making sure I didn't get caught , luckly I didn't.

I'm Riot and I'm thirteen , I live at sunny vale school for girls ,its an orphanage.Sunny Vale is like a modern day 'Annie' orphanage.I'm known as the trouble maker of Sunny Vale .I'm not as bad as everyone thinks , I just have problems trusting people and I know I have to stand up for myself because if I don't the others will walk right over me and I can't let that happen .

One thing I've learned is that you can't trust anyone and that you have to do what you have to too survive .My parents gave me up for adoption probably thinking everyone would want a baby and that I would be adopted right away but I wasn't . I sat in that room watching all the other children being adopted and leaving , I sat in that room watching new children come in and then I watched them be adopted , but no one ever adopted me .

I became extremely aggressive and angry at the world and would often get in fights with the others , but no matter how pretty or nice I was I would never be adopted so I stopped trying .Until one fate full day when a man asked to talk to me , I was  ecstatic , I was six at the time and was still an innocent child .He talked to me for an hour before saying "would you like to come home with me " I eagerly agreed and waited as he filled out the paper work .

Little did I know how cruel he actually was .He took me home and proceeded to do horrible things like beat  me .I lived with him for two years , I didn't know that what he was doing was wrong because I had never had a father before .I thought all fathers did this to their daughters .He abused me regularly but one day it went to far . It was a friday night and he came home after drinking and most likely doing drugs , he picked me up by my hair and threw me across the room before knocking me out  .I laid  just staring of into space when I woke up  , he interrupted my thoughts by kicking me in the ribs , I let out a scream while he was calling me a whore or a slut and other inopropiate words . He picked me up again and threw me down the stairs all the while saying "I saw you playing with that boy next door , do you like him better then me you ?" . My 'father ' got extremely jealous when I talked to other people whether they were two or two hundred it didn't matter , he would often beat me if I talked to other people , soon enough I became afraid of socializing with people .

After I got my breath back from being thrown down the stairs I said "I don't like him at all , I'm sorry daddy I love you and only you" . He looked relieved for a second but then screamed "youre lying , you bitch ......I'm sorry honey ...I know you love ,but I know it won't stay like this for long so I have to make sure we love each other forever ."He had mood swings , he could be beating me one moment and the next he would be crying and hugging me .

After he said that he stomped on my wrist and all I could hear was a crunching noise . He stomped on me over and over again and I layed there listening to myself scream and to the crunching and snapping noises.Finally after what seemed like forever he stopped , picking me up he brought me up to my room and dressed me in a white flowy tutu dress .He put a white bow in my blond hair and then wrapped the white bed sheet around me .He carried me down to the car , placing me in the seat next to him he drove us to the railroads and parked the car on the middle of the train tracks .He told me something that made me want to puke , but since he starved me I didn't have anything to throw up so I sat there staring straight ahead as I listened to his story .

 "I love you baby , and I can't let you go ....youre my angel sent from heaven and I need you to be with me .You sociallizing with the outside world is making you dirty .....But its okay I found a way for us to be happy together .I love you "I looked through his side of the car and saw a train coming , I wanted to leave , I wanted to run away and never return .

Riot Biersack -Andys daughterWhere stories live. Discover now