It's Not Funny

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Bella's POV ( Point of view)

I was walking through the door of my kindergarten class shaking from head to toe. I didn't want to go to school but my mom and dad made me. I look to my parents, water filling my eyes "I don't want to go" I said in a small shaky voice. They looked at each other once, looking worried, when my mom spoke up "Bella honey it's okay I'll be here soon to pick you up" she said in a comforting voice I did not feel comforted at all I want was to go home and watch TV or listen to my dad yelling at the TV just anywhere but here. I looked in to the small classroom and I saw 20 eyes assessing me in a judgy way. I knew I was making a scene and I didn't want kids to make fun of me so I nodded my head walked in to the class. I put my backpack away and just stood there what was I supposed to do? I asked myself I looked around and saw a group of girls looking at me I looked away trying very hard not to cry and walked over to the wooden blocks. I started to make a tower and I was proud of myself I thought it looked good I reached for another block when another hand grabbed it. I looked up wondering who took my block I saw one of the girls who was staring at me look down at me I gulped " Hi I am Bella swan" that was something my mom told me to say if I wanted to make friends the girl snickered" hey can I call you the crybaby instead" she said laughing she swung her arm and broke my tower leaving it making a loud smash against the ground. She laughed even harder " It's not funny" I said trying to speak up why was she being so mean? " aww is little crybaby going to cry" she said just then her whole group surrounded me. " look she has tears in her eyes" one girl said "I know good thing Jessica smashed her tower it was so ugly" another said I looked around trying to find an escape when I saw a small boy come over here all the girls looked at him and smoothed out their dresses but the boy said " stop being mean Lauren nobody likes you" all the girls gasped including me.

Edwards POV

I was trying to spell a word on the alphabet chart when I heard a big crash what was that? I wondered and I was going to check when I saw somebody going for my alphabet chart no way are they getting my chart I told myself as I rushed back to my chart I ignored the questions in my head and continue to try to spell when I heard Lauren Mallory's voice " I know good thing Jessica smashed her tower it was so ugly" what the heck my mind screamed and I walked over to where I heard the voices not caring if somebody took my chart. I saw a small girl on her knees looking like she was about to cry while the another group of girls snickered and smoothed out their dresses when I said " Stop being mean Lauren nobody likes you" who did those girls think they were that little girl didn't deserved to treated like that I stomped away hearing all of them gasp including the little girl.

Bella's POV 

Wow that little boy just stood up for me I looked at the group of girls smug  they all walked away a sense of victory washed over me but I knew that was only there because of that little boy so I did the only thing I could think of walk over there and say thank you.

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