The Crybaby Has Got Me Mad

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Jessica's POV

I ate my breakfast quickly hoping to go to school early A.K.A to get to Bella before Edward did. Ever since Bella came she has been a huge problem for me just thinking about her got me angry my spoon hit the bowl harder " wow Jesse, what's wrong" my dad asked surprised " sorry just trying to finish up" I said trying not to get caught in my lie I rushed to the door and grabbed my backpack " mom c'mon I'm only five and I'm at the door first there is a problem here" I said making a joke she laughed " she's right I mean you drink two cups of coffee a day" my dad said chuckling my mom threw him a dirty look at turned to me " let's go honey the car is open" my mom said. I walked out the door into the car wishing she would hurry up already. After what seemed like forever she came out and hopped in the car silently. I looked out the window my dad would always say something about how much coffee she drinks and mom would end up in a bad mood I didn't understand them. When we got there my mom didn't step out all she said was "see you soon Jesse" I got out and walked over to my class. I looked around looking for the one person I would want to see when a brown curl blocked my view " Hey Jessica" ughh no " Lauren I have... to go" I said trying to see around her she continued to block me " go where" she pressed I whispered to her " find the crybaby" she smiled and got out of my way. I looked around and saw her waving to her parent I smiled I've got you now I thought I walked over to her. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around flinging her hair in my face she looked at me and froze I smiled " hey Bella I just wanted to tell you your dress looks so......ugly" I said showing my disgust she looked hurt I giggled she turned around and went searching.... for Edward. I have no idea why but Edward has been hanging out with Bella but it makes no sense I turned around and walked back to my group. They all looked happy "what happened" Lauren asked I shot her a look and she understood they all bent down and I whispered " Edward is only hanging out with because he feels bad for her" they all laughed one girl looked around me I looked around and saw Edward staring he looked kind of mad I smiled we all did and he looked to Bella and started laughing.

Bella's POV 

Edward started laughing at my face I don't know what he saw there but it made him laugh.... hard. He continued to laugh I frowned " what's so funny" I said upset he looked at me again and stopped laughing " um...... nothing I was laughing at" He bent over to whisper "Jessica" I looked at him confused he laughed again I was getting annoyed I started to walk away when I tripped on a boy's laces and fell Edward kept laughing but this time he was holding his belly. I looked up and saw a small blond looking apologetic " I am sorry about that but I don't know how to tie my  laces" the blond boy said in a shy voice I smiled " it's OK I know how would you like me to help you" I asked the boy looked shocked but then a had a goofy grin " sure" he said I bent down to tie his laces "i'm Mike , Mike Newton" I giggle " I'm Bella , Bella Swan" I got up "thanks" he said " your welcome" I said "what's going on here"  I heard Edwards voice say  " um Edward  I was helping Mike tie his shoes" I looked at Mike who was glaring at Edward " do you want to play Hide and seek with me" I asked Edward " sure" he replied looking away "um Mike do you want to play too" I asked to be polite he grinned "Of course" "I'll be it" I said the boys ran I started counting "1234......10" I jumped I looked around and found Mike but he said he had to go to the washroom so it didn't count so I looked around for Edward I turned my head and saw Jessica tickling  him. I laughed at the face Edward made and walked over "ha Edward your face looks so funny" I said giggling he couldn't look up Jessica let go and Lauren took her place " No Edward's face looks perfectly fine it's your face that looks disgusting" she barked I wasn't afraid not with Edward here " Oh ya You think my face looks disgusting look in a mirror honey" I said smugly all the girls gasped Lauren stopped Edward got up and rushed to my side " aww look the crybaby thinks she's cool" Lauren said with a fake smile Edward was going to interrupt but I cut him off " you guys are all meanies and the only reason why is because you are jealous. I said with confidence and stuck out my tongue.

Jessica's POV

The nerve that girl has she stuck out her tongue and called me jealous of her, like anyone could be jealous of her. I was going to hit her right then but I knew if I did I would get in trouble but if I got her too annoyed eventually she would hit me and get in trouble. I grinned she looked confused good I thought " you know for a baby you talk a lot in fact I think you talk too much" I laughed she narrowed her eyes " I'm not the  baby here if anyone is the baby it's you" she huffed stay calm stay calm I chanted my voice came out smooth " aww is the baby having a temper tantrum maybe someone should giver her a bottle" she looked beyond upset I bet Edward was steaming but I couldn't focus on him I had a mission and I will complete it. I grinned large so did Lauren " Jessica, you got a big mouth for a little girl" she said through clenched teeth, just a little further till shes off the edge I thought " well if I have a big mouth well then your new nickname should be  huge hippo" I laughed she looked so mad it was so funny I bursted out laughing that's it she's gone for sure now I thought " no Bella" Edward said but it was too late her hand hit my face. " ow" I said hurt then started crying that really hurt I looked at Bella who looked shocked and sorry  the teacher came over " what happened" " Bella hit Jessica' Lauren said with disgust " Bella and Jessica to the office" Bella snapped up and walked roboticlly  I continued to cry " it's OK honey you'll be fine" Mrs T kept saying Bella didn't dare look my way. I walked through the door "oh my" the office lady said I was brought into a room and sat down Bella sat down too. The principal came sat took a seat " now Jessica please explain to me what happened" she said calmly I sniffled " um well Bella was really mad and she hit my face" I said then broke down again I took a tissue she turned to Bella " is that what happened Mrs.Swan?" the principal asked Bella cleared her throat " I uh... well me and Jessica were fighting but not with our fists and well I got so  mad I'm sorry Jessica" she turned and looked at me I looked in her eyes and saw the deep regret and shock in her I looked away startled. The principal huffed" well Bella it is unexceptionable to hit but Jessica your not innocent either so every day for a week you will both stay in school longer Bella 25 min Jessica 15 min" We both nodded my plan didn't really work out. I walked out the door and Bella rushed out and to the class I looked at my feet what ahd I done?

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