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Leigh Anne had brought along one dress with her on their trip to South Shields and she hadn't even intended to use it. Up until that point her wardrobe had consisted of pajamas, sweats, swimwear, or nothing at all. Today, she'd have to get all dolled up and put makeup on and the black dress she hadn't intended on wearing but she was fine with it. She'd spent two glorious weeks at home in her pajamas, out making quick runs to the grocery store in sweats, baking underneath the Belize sun in a bikini, and all the time in between wearing nothing at all. Two uninterrupted weeks of bare face and untouched eyebrows and natural curls because her girl liked her that way, preferred her in her most natural state. And now, they were spending the weekend with Perrie's family and she'd told her that they wouldn't be going anywhere or doing anything fancy but Leigh Anne packed a dress just in case.
She had to thank Perrie's uncle for flying in from Australia and giving her a reason to switch up the routine she'd been in. She shimmied into the dress and brought both spaghetti straps up and over her shoulders. She tried at first to zip it up herself but her arms weren't long enough to catch the zipper in the back.
"Babe," She called as she let her arms fall to her sides "will you come help me?"
Perrie was there a moment later, still putting on earrings as she made her way towards Leigh Anne "With what?" she asked but figured it out before Leigh Anne could answer her. She stepped behind her and zipped up her dress with ease. Once she had finished she allowed her hands to grab hold of her waist gently. She pulled Leigh Anne into her and rested the side of her cheek to the sleek black tendrils that were sweeping past her bare shoulders. They both looked at her through the full length mirror in front of them and Perrie smiled "You look so beautiful." She whispered as she continued to gaze.
"I thought you liked me better natural. No makeup and no clothes." She teased causing Perrie to laugh.
She wrapped her arms all the way around her waist and pulled her even closer so that there wasn't even an inch of room between the two of them "I like you in any state, especially a naked one." She used her hands to turn Leigh Anne around then so that they were facing one another and she could snake her hand beneath the drapes of her silky, pressed hair and place it on her cheek "But in this moment you look even better then you did in the last. You never stop amazing me." She said as she stroked her cheek with her thumb.
Leigh Anne loved watching Perrie's eyes twinkle for her, still amazed that the beautiful woman before her wanted her. Still amazed that she'd turned the best friendship she'd made at that point in her life into the best thing in her life.
She smiled before leaning forward to kiss her girlfriend's lips gently "Thank you." She whispered against them before pulling away and placing her hands on Perrie's shoulders.
Perrie nodded "Thank you for coming home with me, my uncle is very excited to meet you." She said as she let go of Leigh Anne to continue fiddling with the stud in her ear.
Leigh Anne watched her then as she stepped from in front of her and went to look at herself in the mirror. This had been the first time since they'd finished touring that Leigh Anne had seen Perrie in a dress as well. It was black like hers but long sleeved and low cut. It hugged to Perrie's waist tightly and the only thing Leigh Anne could think about doing as she watched her adjust the hem was peel it off of her.
Like Perrie, Leigh Anne enjoyed her girlfriend under any circumstance, finding her beautiful no matter what she had on. However, the particular dress she had chosen to sport that night made her feel things that she hadn't felt in a while. It was as If they hadn't just spent 45 minutes in the shower together basking in one another's wet glory because Leigh Anne suddenly felt like she hadn't been able to touch Perrie in years and she was suddenly dying to. Something about the way the velvet embraced her girlfriend's body and defined her every luscious curve made her jealous.
She bit her lip as she continued watching Perrie, this time from the front through the mirror "Do you think there's any way we can get out of this dinner with your family tonight?" she asked only half-jokingly as she scanned her from top to bottom slowly.
Perrie giggled and turned around and Leigh Anne felt her breath catch in her throat "Why?" she asked.
"Because," she stared shamelessly at the blonde girl's chest. If it had been a couple months prior, before Perrie ever really knew the thoughts Leigh Anne had for her, she would've been forced to look away and play it off. Instead, she reached out and grabbed a hold of her hand, pulling her closer so that they were flush against one another. She wrapped one arm around her waist and rested her hand on Perrie's ass, feeling the velvety fabric freely. She used her other hand to drag an index finger just above her girl's cleavage along her collarbone flagrantly because unlike before Perrie belonged to her now and they both knew it. She brought her eyes up to look at Perrie's blue ones and could already see the mutual lust and want starting to turn them darker "I really want to meet your uncle but if I'm being honest I think I'd much rather rip this dress off and have my way with you." She whispered seductively before going to her neck and kissing it gently.
Perrie took a deep, jagged breath and she could feel her trying to fight the urge to relax in her arms and let Leigh Anne have her way. She giggled breathlessly as Leigh Anne bit her neck gently "Leigh," she said in a voice that she knew, recognized, and despised.
It was Perrie's "There's nothing else I'd rather be doing right now but we have to stop. Right now." Voice and Leigh Anne had hoped she'd never have to hear it while they were on vacation.
She sighed then and let go, stepping back, crossing her arms, and pouting.
Perrie sucked her teeth "Oh don't be such a little baby." She teased while pinching her cheek playfully "We won't be all night." She straightened out her dress and Leigh Anne fell hopeless inside trying to figure out how she was going to last another five minutes with Perrie wearing the tight thing. She stepped closer to her again and kissed her lips before pulling her head back slightly "And, if you're really good..." she whispered against Leigh Anne's lips "we can do that thing you like. When you get on top of me." It was Perrie's turn to reach behind Leigh Anne and grab onto what was hers as Leigh Anne practically fell into her. She kept her face close to hers, just barely touching her lips with her own as she kept her hands where they were "You like riding me don't you?" Leigh Anne nodded very slowly as Perrie squeezed her ass with one hand and continued talking "Do you think you can be good?" She asked her, knowing she had all of the control in the moment and that Leigh Anne would've done or said anything.
"I'll be an angel." She whimpered helplessly, earning a mischievous smile from Perrie and then another kiss before she let her go and went to finish getting ready.
Leigh Anne stood where she had left her for another moment catching her breath and preparing herself for the evening ahead knowing the only thing that would get her through it was going to be the thought of riding Perrie.
Perrie had prepared for the night to be great. She hadn't seen her Uncle since she was 13 years old and on top of it she was finally getting the opportunity to show Leigh Anne off as her girlfriend. She'd expected everything to go over super well, great dinner, drinks, conversation, and mind blowing sex to end the night. She'd planned it that way in her head but what she hadn't planned was for her Aunt and Uncle to be so openly homophobic.
She didn't remember too much about them, it had been forever since the last time they'd seen each other so it made sense that this very unfortunate piece of character had completely slipped her mind. She hadn't even accepted that she was into girls herself until Leigh Anne had come along but her family had always been open to the idea of homosexuality regardless who expressed it. Her mother tried to defend the two of them but her uncle especially was so caught up in his ways that he was having none of it. Perrie looked to Leigh Anne again for the millionth time that night and felt so bad. She was just starting to meet Perrie's family and get to know everyone and Perrie knew she had already felt uncomfortable. The very loud criticism and micro analyzation of their relationship from some people that Perrie hadn't seen in over 10 years was a lot for her to deal with so she knew Leigh Anne had to be dying on the inside.
She tried to keep an eye on her through her peripheral to see if she relaxed a little bit but as the food came and the conversation shifted to other things Leigh Anne remained in the same stiff position she'd been in since they'd sat down. Perrie took one last bite of her food before removing her napkin from her lap and looking to her mother "I'm going to run to the bathroom." She announced before taking hold of Leigh Anne's arm and pulling her up along with her. She pulled her away from the table and towards the bathroom before anyone could make a comment.
Once they were inside, Perrie locked the door and then turned to Leigh Anne who was beginning to look a lot more panicked then she had. Perrie took a deep breath and closed her eyes "I am so so sorry." She said before opening them and moving towards her "I had..." Leigh Anne flinched when Perrie tried to touch her "I had no idea." She said, moving her hands to Leigh Anne's face slowly as not to scare her away.
"I want to go." Leigh Anne whispered.
Perrie nodded "Okay, just another 15 minutes and we'll go. Okay?"
Leigh Anne shook her head frantically "No, I want to go right now, Perrie. Please?" she begged as she became overcome with tears. Tears that had Perrie on the verge herself as she pulled Leigh Anne into her arms and held her.
"Okay, okay. We'll go. Right now, we'll leave." She reassured her but Leigh Anne didn't stop crying and so Perrie kept holding on to her "I am sorry." She whispered against her hair. She brought Leigh Anne's head up slowly and watched as the tears fell steadily and stained her cheeks. She couldn't tell if there was a specific thing that had made her upset or if the night in general had set her off edge but she knew that she wasn't supposed to be crying. Nowhere in her plans for their night did Perrie picture her girlfriend in tears and she hated seeing her that way and she hated herself even more for being the reason they were there at all "My beautiful love." She said sadly as she brushed away a tear with her thumb.
Leigh Anne swallowed and took a deep breath "Can we go?" She asked.
Perrie nodded and placed a kiss to her temple before letting her hands fall from her face. She unlocked the door and then reached behind her to hold Leigh Anne's hand as they made their way back to the table. When they got there, Leigh Anne stood behind Perrie and kept her eyes on the ground as she grabbed their coats and bags.
"Is everything alright?" her mother asked as Perrie handed Leigh Anne her things and then began pulling her own coat on.
She shook her head "We're going to head back to the hotel."
She could hear her uncle suck his teeth to the left of them "Well I hope it wasn't anything I said."
Perrie stopped what she was doing and thought for a moment. She hadn't said anything to him or her aunt before because she didn't think it would've helped much but he'd managed to completely ruin an entire two weeks of no sadness and no tears for her and Leigh Anne in an hours' time. She could've just ignored him and left, Leigh Anne probably would've appreciated it, but she couldn't bring herself to leave without saying anything. She looked at him directly in his eyes "It was everything you said, actually. You and your ignorant opinions and feelings that no one asked for. You've ruined what was supposed to be a really good night so thank you for that."
He scoffed "Well I meant nothing by it. I was simply saying that two very beautiful women like you ought to be living your lives a little more straight and narrow as opposed to how you're living it now. Just looking out for you, Perrie."
"I don't need you looking out for me!" she yelled "You don't even know me let alone know what I 'ought' to be doing. I'm not here right now to appease you or to assure you that I'm living my life by your standards and I am not with Leigh Anne because it pushes boundaries or to prove some point to you. I'm with her because she makes me happy. Because after spending an hour listening to you and your wife go on and on about right and wrong like you know anything I know the only thing that's going to make me feel better is being with my girlfriend. And it's not because she's fun to look at or mess around with and it's not because I like walking on the wild side. It's because I love her and even if I could control it I wouldn't want to. So thank you, for coming here and ruining both of our nights and taking away what little faith I already had in humanity. You all have a safe flight back to Sydney and let's hope we never have to see each other ever again." She smiled sarcastically at her uncle who like the rest of the table was staring back at her in disbelief. She took a deep breath and then turned to Leigh Anne who was looking at her the same way.
Perrie held her hand out and though her expression did not change Leigh Anne took hold of it and they walked out of the restaurant together. Once they were outside Leigh Anne, who had been stumbling behind trying to get Perrie to slow down, finally pulled her arm hard enough to get her to stop walking.
"Perrie, you didn't..." she said before Perrie put her hand up to stop her.
"Yes, I did. Okay? This was my fault, I should've told him that you were my girlfriend and not just my friend when we spoke over the phone otherwise we would've never come. I would've never made you come here if I'd known. So I just need you to not argue with me or try and say that what I said was unnecessary. It's done and I don't regret it and I'd do it again in a heartbeat so I just need you to accept that because that's how it's going to be from now on. I'm not going to let anyone get away with making you cry. Not anymore, not while you're mine."
Leigh Anne didn't respond, just smiled before moving forward to kiss Perrie "Okay." She said once she'd pulled away.
In the instant that Leigh Anne's lips touched hers, Perrie felt a weight lifted of her shoulders and the night didn't seem as ruined as it had before "And now I need you to let me take you back to our room and do that thing you really like doing." She kissed her lips again and pulled away to see the goofy smile on Leigh Anne's face "Okay?"
"Okay." She said and then they made their way to Perrie's car in a hurry to get back.

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